The rotunda of the Illinois State Capitol is the setting for this edition of Spotlight. Monte Larrick interviewed Delbra Pratt of the Illinois Prayer Caucus Network following the December 3rd dedication of the nativity scene on display in the rotunda. They discuss the important messages that a nativity scene sends when featured in the public square and contrast that with the messages of the displays of the Freedom from Religion Foundation and the Chicago chapter of The Satanic Temple.
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The Democrats have given new meaning to the term "overplaying your hand," and their witch hunt will continue to backfire. They will fail to remove Trump from office and, through their egregious overreach, will have probably ensured his re-election.
U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes recently appeared on Mark Levin's Fox News show, "Life, Liberty & Levin." Near the end, he talked about how he and his staff put out a memo in early 2018 "to expose the counterintelligence malfeasance that was occurring in the FBI" in the search for Russian "collusion" with Donald Trump. The media did all kinds of stories about how the Republicans were concocting "conspiracy theories" and destroying the nation's law enforcement agencies.
Did you ever get a Christmas present you didn’t want or like? Chances are you returned the gift and chose something else. Well, this Christmas, Illinoisans are receiving “gifts” from our legislators that many of us didn’t ask for, don’t want, and can’t give back. Anita Bedell of Illinois Church Action on Alcohol & Addiction Problems joins Monte Larrick for a very timely and informative edition of Spotlight.
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz identified 17 serious omissions, inaccuracies and failures involving the FBI’s conduct in the Russia collusion investigation and its pursuit of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting the Trump campaign. The significant failings are laid bare in a report made public Monday that showed the FBI withheld from the FISA court misgivings about its star informant Christopher Steele, as well as evidence of innocence against targets like former Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos. Here is the list of the 17 flagged failures...
Will County board member Mike Fricilone, a 65-year-old Homer Glen resident who works as a sales manager for a furniture retailer, recently filed his petitions with the Illinois State Board of Elections as a candidate for the 3rd Congressional District. He will face two other Republicans in the March 17th primary election.
A history professor I once studied under tended to offer weary responses to technical and highly dispensable questions of the sort that arise in weary seminars. To wit: "But what's that got to do with the price of eggs?" Or, more pointedly sometimes, "the price of eggs in Arkansas?"
In this election season, one thing becomes more evident every day: Only one party stands for human life and against abortion...
The Democrats are totally and absolutely a party focused solely on identity politics and a party not at all concerned with the greater, general good of the country.  Their electoral strategy is based on identifying specific groups of voters to whom they can assign victimhood status and then promise a taxpayer-funded government program to alleviate their suffering and correct the wrongs perpetrated against them.
There’s exciting news for Illinois voters concerned for the integrity of elections! A statewide organization, Illinois Conservative Union (ICU), has given notice to the state election authority that it must provide ICU a copy of the state voter rolls, or face a lawsuit.
For Marxists, a lie is as good as truth if it works to advance their cause.  A case in point was a recent article on the front page of The Washington Post’s Sunday Outlook section.  Next to a large, serious portrait, the headline proclaimed: “Barack Obama: Conservative.”  Sure. And Bernie Sanders is a moderate Republican.