Written by Rachel Alexander
Barack Obama may lose his Obamacare legacy when Congress repeals and replaces it, but he has left the nation a far bigger and more damaging legacy. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) gloated in 2014, “one of the most profound changes this Congress made was filling the bench” with Obama’s appointments of federal judges. He went on: “This will affect America for a generation, long after the internecine battles on legislative issues are forgotten.”… Continue Reading
Islamists killed an estimated 30,000 Christians worldwide last year, out of a total of 90,000 Christians murdered for their faith.
Christians were the most persecuted religious group in the world in 2016, according to a new study conducted by the Center for Studies on New Religions, based in Turin, Italy.
The report said that 90,000 Christians were killed last year, of which 30% were killed by Islamists. The rest were killed by state and non-state persecution around the world, including in North Korea.… Continue Reading

Written by Michael F. Haverluck
A recent survey found that approximately nine in 10 members in the incoming United States Congress proclaim themselves to be Christian.
According to the latest findings published by the Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life division, Christians form the overwhelming majority of the 115th Congress, as 90.7 percent of them identify themselves as Christians.
Congress keeping the faith…
This number, however, has not fluctuated much over the years, as Pew reports that comparing the figures with those of five decades ago, today’s percentage is not that far off.… Continue Reading

Operation Rescue recently announced that the recipient of the 2016 Pro-Life Person of the Year Malachi Award is U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) for her work as Chairman of the U.S. House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives.
The Malachi Award is given by Operation Rescue every year to recognize individuals who sacrificially work to advance the cause of protecting the pre-born.
“Operation Rescue is grateful to Chairman Marsha Blackburn for her courageous willingness to investigate the shadowy illegal underworld of trafficking in aborted baby remains by Planned Parenthood and others.… Continue Reading

We hope your days and weeks leading up to Christmas Day have been filled with opportunities for rich worship and contemplation of the enormity of what Jesus Christ’s first coming means to you in this life and what His second coming will mean for you in eternity. Such reflection may be aided by thoughtful reading of Scriptures and devotionals that speak of the Lord’s Advent, joyful singing of carols and hymns that tell of the hope that we have in Emmanuel, God with us, as well as prayers of gratitude and praise that in the fullness of time, God sent forth His Son.… Continue Reading

Written by Aaron Bandler
Facebook has decided to clamp down on the supposed epidemic of fake news by appointing an assortment of “fact-checkers” to vet their news feed.
The problem is that these fact-checkers — PolitiFact, FactCheck.org, Snopes, Associated Press and ABC News — are all slanted to the left and have a bad habit of inserting their progressive opinions into “fact-checks” instead of simply being objective.
Here are 11 of the worst “fact-checks” by the five Facebook fact-checkers.… Continue Reading

Censoring conservative voices from social media.
Written by Daniel Greenfield
Remember when Hillary Clinton won a landslide victory? The fake news media which predicted it in order to depress pro-Trump voter turnout certainly does. And so they’re out to fight “fake news.”
By fake news, they don’t mean their own raging torrent of misinformation and lies.
The media has gone to war against Facebook. While various supporters have blamed Hillary’s loss on everything from the FBI to internalized misogyny, the media has decided that Facebook is to blame.… Continue Reading

Written by Ben Shapiro
All black people are leftists.
Clarence Thomas is not a leftist.
Therefore, Clarence Thomas is not black.
So goes the logic at the new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture Museum. According to The Weekly Standard, Thomas is nowhere to be found in the museum. One of only two black Supreme Court justices in American history, and perhaps the court’s finest modern thinker – yes, even better than Justice Antonin Scalia, whose insistence on stare decisis marred the consistency of his originalism.… Continue Reading