Category: Sanctity of Life

Science-Denying Joe Biden

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

“What you have just seen is the difference between those who voted on the basis of religion versus those who voted on the basis of science.” ~Ron Reagan, 2004

This quote comes from the son of former President Ronald Reagan. It was on the night of the 2004 presidential election, and the younger Reagan was serving as a political commentator for CNN.

As the polls closed and the nation’s votes were being counted, a major news flash was developing.… Continue Reading

Pritzker, Planned Parenthood, and the Pandemic

Written by Laurie Higgins

Calculated Carnage—known euphemistically as Planned Parenthood (PP)—won’t let a little thing like a pandemic keep it from its bloody and profitable business.  Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL) has opened a new facility in Waukegan, Illinois, a Lake County city where one quarter of the families and one quarter of the population are under the poverty line.

Calculated Carnage calculates that targeting the babies of the poor is a more profitable business model than targeting the babies of the affluent (You’ll never find PP trying to sneak an abattoir into Glencoe, Lake Forest, or Winnetka).… Continue Reading

Joe Biden’s “Moral Fiber,” or Lack Thereof, on Abortion

Written by Adelaide Holmes

On April 14, 2020, former President Barack Obama endorsed his former Vice President and presidential candidate Joe Biden. In his video announcement, he says of Biden, “Through all his trials, he’s never once forgotten the values or the moral fiber that his parents passed on to him and that made him who he is.” But Obama is incorrect.

When it comes to the issue of abortion, Biden has evolved from the moderate he claimed to be into a radical supporter of abortion rights.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Mary Louise Hengesbaugh on the Right to Life

Written by David E. Smith

Right to Life issues have been under attack for quite some time in our state, so it should come as no surprise that Illinois’ “progressive” legislators have their sights trained on yet another pro-life, pro-female protective measure. In a conversation at the SpeakOut Illinois conference in February, Mary Louise Hengesbaugh, director of Illinois Citizens for Ethics PAC, and Monte Larrick discuss the crucial benefits and protections afforded minors by the Parental Notice of Abortion Act.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Rev. Ceasar LeFlore Accepts Henry Hyde Award

Written by David E. Smith

Yes, the outlook is decidedly bleak in Illinois when it comes to pro-life issues, but the Rev. Ceasar LeFlore declares that pro-life Illinoisans don’t have the option of silence. In accepting the Henry Hyde Life Leadership Award at the recent SpeakOut Illinois conference, Pastor LeFlore thanks the many men and women who encouraged and discipled him as he answered God’s call to the abortion ministry. Likewise, he encourages and challenges the conference attendees and us to stand up and speak out for the sanctity of the unborn.… Continue Reading

Amid Illinois Shutdown, Abortions at Planned Parenthood Go On

Written by Alex Newman

Amid the shutdown of all “non-essential” businesses and activities as doctors scramble to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, the slaughter of unborn children at six Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortion mills in Illinois will go on. Apparently killing pre-born babies is considered an “essential” service in the Prairie State.

According to a press release published in the far-left Chicago Sun-Times and other local media, at least six Planned Parenthood centers will remain open across the state despite asking victims (euphemistically dubbed “patients”) to re-schedule all “non-essential appointments.”… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Illinois Senator McConchie on Parental Rights

Written by David E. Smith

At the recent SpeakOut Illinois conference, Monte Larrick had the opportunity to connect with Illinois State Senator Dan McConchie of the 26th district. To begin this edition of Spotlight, Sen. McConchie described his approach to his senatorial responsibilities and gave detailed advice to constituents who want to have productive interactions with their elected officials in Springfield. Monte and Sen. McConchie considered how efforts to repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act, mandate HPV vaccinations for ALL Illinois youth, and eliminate any religious exemption for immunizations are trampling on parental rights.… Continue Reading

For the Unborn, a Bernie Sanders Presidency Would Be Very Dangerous

Written by Blake Elliott

While Bernie Sanders’ stances on most policies are troubling for most conservatives in America, his stance on abortion is one that all Americans should find particularly troubling. Sanders is a clear-cut, elderly socialist, which should be a huge red flag to all Americans. He is also completely pro-abortion and pro-Planned Parenthood. The fact that he is the frontrunner for the Democratic party should not shock any of us as the Democrats continue to push the limits of radical ideology; supporting abortions up until birth is just as radical as defending the dictatorship of Fidel Castro.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Durbin Wants Some Preemies to Live and Others to Die

Written by Laurie Higgins

Dead-baby supporters U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, along with 42 collaborators helped defeat Senator Ben Sasse’s attempt to prohibit infanticide. Durbin took to the Senate floor to lie about Sasse’s bill by referring to it as an abortion bill despite the fact that he knows it has nothing to do with restricting access to abortion. Sasse’s bill, the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act, would have required doctors to treat babies who survive abortions just as they would treat any other babies who are born alive.Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Durbin Fights Against Care for Babies Born Alive

Written by Alex Newman

Federal lawmakers behind a bill to protect babies born alive after botched abortions had reason to believe that it was a relatively uncontroversial policy measure, but Democrats believed otherwise.

Inaccurately calling the legislation an “abortion” bill, the senior Illinois Democrat in the U.S. Senate and forty of his colleagues made clear that even protecting the lives of living children is no longer uncontroversial in America today — at least in Washington, D.C.… Continue Reading