Category: Religious Liberty

Christie Goes Nuclear — Against Christians


Written by Gary Bauer

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been languishing around three percent in the presidential polls. After his surrender on religious liberty during a Fox News Sunday interview, it is my sincere hope that his support falls to zero.

When asked if Christians could be exempted from participating in same-sex weddings, Christie offered a cramped definition of religious liberty that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton could applaud.

“Religious institutions should be able to decide how they conduct their religious activity,” Christie said.… Continue Reading

Ronald Reagan’s Wisdom

Reagan_freedom_QuoteContinue Reading

Huckabee: If the GOP Avoids Social Issues, It’s A Sure Way to Lose in 2016


Mike Huckabee with reporters in Tinley Park Friday – Photo credit: Al Ashworth

Written by Fran Eaton

At the RISE Initiative at the Tinley Park Convention Center Friday, GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee answered a question asked by an Illinois Review reporter:

“Social conservatives in Illinois are feeling pushed out of their Party. Could you address that issue as to how important it is for social conservatives stay involved … in whatever party they pick?”

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Senate Democrats Unsure If Religious Schools Should Have Religious Liberty


Written by Ray Nothstine

On Wednesday, in lieu of the Supreme Court’s recent decision on gay marriage, Democratic Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, was asked about revoking the tax status of religious schools. He and other Senate Democrats claim to be undecided on the matter.

“There’s no question this was an historic decision,” said Durbin, “and now we’re going to go through a series of suggestions for new laws to implement it.”

The Weekly Standard asked Durbin Wednesday if the tax exempt status for religious schools was in jeopardy and Durbin stated there is no “quick answer.”… Continue Reading

The NEW Totalitarians


Written by Eric Metaxas

In the first century, Jesus was asked whether the Jewish people, who were under pagan, Roman occupation, should pay taxes to Caesar. The Lord, of course, said we are to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s. But in 21st century America, Caesar is angling for a better deal — and he’s getting it.

Our old friend Chuck Colson sounded the alarm several years ago when certain political figures on the Left — including former secretary of state Hillary Clinton — began downsizing the First Amendment’s guarantee of our God-given right to freedom of religion into a more manageable “freedom of worship.”… Continue Reading

Real Political Leadership is Fearless in the Culture War


Written by John Biver

Here’s a quote for you:

The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardliness, it is conformity. — Rollo May

Here’s what courage sounds like:

Don’t waste your breath trying to bully me in Louisiana. It is absolutely constitutional to have religious liberty and economic freedoms. — Bobby Jindal

It’s also called leadership — you can’t have genuine leadership without courage.

What we’ve heard from most of the Republican candidates for president isn’t exactly inspirational when it comes to the issue of marriage.… Continue Reading

More Republicans & Conservatives Need to Get Into Retail Politics


Written by John Biver

Consider for a moment your average big time right-of-center political commentator, writer, the typical talk radio show host, or the guy who authors yet another brilliant study outlining a policy proposal. What might be in their mind when it comes to the size of their audience?

In too many cases their work is read/heard/seen by so few people questions could be raised whether their effort was worth it. Obviously I’m not referring to guys like Rush Limbaugh.… Continue Reading

GOP Presidential Candidate Marco Rubio Warns ‘Mainstream Christian Teaching’ Could Be Considered ‘Hate Speech’ in Near Future


Written by Vincent Funaro

Republican presidential candidate U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., warned Christians that the church’s mainstream teaching on homosexuality could be considered hate speech in the near future, during an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network this week.

While discussing his Catholic faith and how it influences his positions on social issues and public policy, Rubio commented on the direction America is traveling with its views of the conservative church.

“If you think about, we are at the water’s edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech,” Rubio said to CBN News.… Continue Reading

Religious Liberty Crisis Report Card

Religious Freedom Destruction Act

Written by Maggie Gallagher

Rod Dreher is right: the rage of the powerful against Indiana for daring to pass a state RFRA without the consent of the LGBT community marks a dramatic cultural and political inflection point,as I have pointed out in National Review. For the first time, a vanilla religious liberty bill similar to those passed in 19 other states was deemed “antigay” per se, and powerful corporations rushed in to punish the people of Indiana economically for their moral views on liberty.… Continue Reading

Republicans Behaving Like Democrats


Written by Gene Van Son

By signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into law, Indiana governor and GOP presidential nominee wannabe Mike Pence briefly looked like a real conservative, trying to champion the Judeo-Christian morals and principles that made this country great. But within days of signing the RFRA, under unrelenting fire from the secular progressive MSM, Pence’s conservative resolve withered, and he decided the RFRA needed to be re-written ‘for clarification.’

Unfortunately, Pence is not the only Republican in a leadership position who doesn’t understand that the only way to stop secular progressive relativism is to actually be a Republican .… Continue Reading