Category: Federal Elections

What Is the Greatest Moral Threat to America?


Written by Thomas Valentine

Last Friday, seven GOP presidential candidates (Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum) descended on Iowa for The FAMiLY Leader’s Presidential Family Forum.  At one point during the event, each candidate was asked for their view on what constitutes “the greatest moral threat” to America.  You can watch their responses below:

FRANK LUNTZ: In two or three sentences, and then we’re going to explore it: what is the greatest moral threat — not economic, not national security — what is the greatest moral threat facing America today?

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Ted Cruz Pushes Ban on Syrian Muslim Refugees; Wants Christians Given Priority


Written by Ray Nothstine

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said that he will push for a ban against Syrian Muslims entering the United States, citing the Obama administration and intelligence agencies inability to identify refugees from terrorists.

“We should not be allowing Muslim refugees from countries where ISIS and al Qaeda have control of significant amounts of territory because of the inability of this administration, the inability of our intelligence sources to distinguish between who is and is not an ISIS terrorist,” Cruz told Jon Karl of ABC News.Continue Reading

The Values Half of the GOP

Values Voters

Written by Tony Perkins, FRC Action

Over the years, left-wing pundits have eagerly looked for any and every opportunity to eulogize what they call the “religious right.”  But the movement to advance these timeless values can’t be buried in one election cycle or by five lawyers on the U.S. Supreme Court.  These values aren’t going away nor are the millions of voters who use them to guide their vote.   You only need to look at the crowded GOP presidential field and their persistent efforts to win the support of social conservatives.  … Continue Reading

GOP Media Takedown: A Recipe for Victory


Written by Selwyn Duke

It’s long been known that a leader can gain power by rallying the people against a boogeyman.

And it helps when that boogeyman is real.

When CNBC’s GOP debate moderators couldn’t help but be sanctimonious, supercilious, and self-important Wednesday night, they did more than provoke a response from their intellectual superiors. They did more than further reveal the Establishment Media as a left-wing monolith, further discredit themselves, and further cement in minds that they’re comic-book versions of journalists.… Continue Reading

Climate Change More Dangerous Than ISIS?

Bernie Sanders_climate changeContinue Reading

Bernie Sanders Says ISIS Exacerbated by Climate Change


Written by Jeffrey Meyer

During an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday, Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan strongly rebuked Bernie Sanders’ claim during Saturday’s Democratic presidential debate that climate change has contributed to the rise of ISIS.

Noonan argued that Sanders’ statement “makes him to many people look slightly daffy like someone who doesn’t understand what the real subject is” because “[t]his is about terrorism. This isn’t about climate change and deserts and people migrating because it’s hot.”… Continue Reading

Carson Performs Brain Surgery on the Media


Written by Cliff Kincaid

Last May we published a column, “Why They Must Destroy Ben Carson.” It has been determined that a black Christian conservative, especially a political outsider with credentials as a life-saving physician, just cannot be allowed to succeed in politics. Carson must be destroyed.

His life as a poor boy with a temper is now coming in for serious media scrutiny. Who did he hit? And why?

In an attempt to defend this assault on the character of Benjamin Carson,  that the media are fair and balanced because they “vetted” Barack Obama as a candidate by checking out reports that he once had a girlfriend, who “may have been a composite character.”… Continue Reading

God Help Us All

Bernie Sanders_QuoteContinue Reading

Same-Sex Marriage ‘Is Not Law;’ Huckabee Boldly Defends Traditional Marriage


Mike Huckabee continues to stand up for traditional marriage which encourages and strengthens conservatives. When asked how to overturn the Supreme Court Obergefell opinion, he said, “on the same sex marriage decision I would simply say it is not law.” This was at the National Religious Liberties Conference held in Iowa last week.

The 2016 presidential hopeful believes a president is to “uphold the Constitution,” which says nothing about redefining marriage. The founders wrote the Constitution and outlawed homosexuality.… Continue Reading

Why I’m Endorsing Ted Cruz For President

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

I have never officially endorsed a presidential candidate before, but I’m endorsing Ted Cruz for president for three simple reasons: 1) he is a man of unshakable, conservative moral convictions; 2) he is willing to take on the Washington establishment; 3) we need a radical shift in the direction of our country, and his team has asked me to help get out the evangelical vote.

Of course, I’m fully aware that a president can only do so much and that our hope for change must be first and foremost in the living God.… Continue Reading