Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

In Illinois, 2 People Sign Up for Food Stamps for Every 1 Person Who Finds a Job


Written by Michael Lucci

Illinois’ sluggish jobs recovery is coming at a tremendous cost. For every post-recession job created in Illinois, nearly two people have enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps.

In the recession era, the number of Illinoisans dependent on food stamps has risen by 745,000. Without adequate job creation in the state, Illinois families have had no choice but to depend upon food stamps to put bread on the table.… Continue Reading

Illinois’ Backlog of Unpaid Bills Total $4.4 Billion


Written by Benjamin BanMetre

Illinois began August with a $4.4 billion dollar backlog of unpaid bills. If lawmakers would have kept the promises they made in 2011, the backlog would be zero today – or close to it.

In January 2011, Illinois lawmakers pushed through a record tax hike that raised the income tax rate on individuals to 5 percent from 3 percent, and on corporations to 7 percent from 4.8 percent. They called it the Taxpayer Accountability and Budget Stabilization Act and went on record making the following promises:

“We have some temporary tax increases that are designed to pay our bills, get Illinois back on fiscal sound footing and make sure that our state has a strong economy.”

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Hillary’s War on Women

Written by Daniel Greenfield

When the Roman Polanski rape case resurfaced, Whoopi Goldberg coined the term “rape-rape” to describe the difference between the kind of rape she opposed and the kind she was okay with because it had been perpetrated by someone she liked.

In the political world the cases of Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton showed how liberals delineated between the sexual harassment of men they approved of and disapproved of. Now the “Rape Rape” distinction is back with Bill’s wife.… Continue Reading

The Good Doctor


One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America’s Future
By Ben Carson, M.D.
(Sentinel, 256 pages, $25.95)

Written by William Tucker

Just for the record, here’s a list of the jobs that Dr. Ben Carson held before he had graduated from Yale University:

  • Payroll office clerk at Ford Motors
  • Bank teller (“I learned accuracy and efficiency as well as some things about bank robbers”)
  • Mailroom clerk
  • Encyclopedia salesman
  • Supervisor in charge of highway cleanup crews.
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Nine Reasons to Reject Equal Rights Amendment

Nine Reasons to Reject Equal Rights Amendment

Written by Kathy Valente

Last week the Illinois Senate voted 39 to 11 to pass SJRCA 75, the dangerous Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), the effort to amend the U.S. Constitution to say: “Equality of rights under law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex.”

This legislation is now in the Illinois House for consideration and debate.  State Representative Lou Lang (D-Skokie) is the chief sponsor.  

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Not to Act is to Act

Written by Rev. Michael S. Heath

The bitter German Bavarian winter of 1945 was a recent memory along with his 18 month imprisonment.  With the spring thaw came hopeful news concerning the war.  The cause to which he would surrender his life would finally prevail.  The liberators would arrive soon, but not soon enough to spare him.  The iron will of the dictator, who he failed to kill, would cause the unyielding granite bedrock of Flossenberg quarry to provide the stone for his tomb.… Continue Reading