Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

Ted Cruz Asks Pastors to Preach, Pray Against Gay Marriage


Written by Leonardo Blair

As the U.S. Supreme Court readies to hear arguments in favor of same-sex marriage on Tuesday, April 28, Republican presidential candidate U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), urged pastors across America to preach and pray against it because “marriage was God’s idea, and He will preserve it, with or without us.”

“We know that marriage is intended to be sacred, beautiful, and nourishing. If you do not influence your congregation’s understanding of marriage, who will fill the void?… Continue Reading

Here’s What The Unemployment Rate Looks Like If You Add Back Labor Force Dropouts


Written by Sean Davis

The Department of Labor announced today that the official unemployment rate fell to 5.5 percent last month, the lowest it’s been since Spring of 2008. Good news, right? Well, kind of. The official unemployment rate masks a problem that’s been plaguing the economy since shortly before the 2009 recession: a continuing decline in the labor force participation rate, which basically measures the percentage of the able-bodied population that’s either working or looking for work.… Continue Reading

Truth-Telling and the Right of Self-Government: Why Obama’s Marriage Lie Matters


Written by Carson Holloway

The right of self-government depends upon the ability of voters to give their informed consent in choosing elected officials. If candidates lie, self-government becomes impossible.

When running for the presidency in 2008, Barack Obama misled the voters about his true position on the question of same-sex marriage. This is not an accusation made by one of the president’s political enemies, but an admission made by one of his closest political advisors: David Axelrod.… Continue Reading

The SPLC Goes After Dr. Ben Carson


Written by David E. Smith

In October 2014, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) put Dr. Benjamin Carson on its “Extremist Watch List.” Why?  Because the good Christian doctor holds to a traditional and orthodox view of marriage: one man and one woman.

Who else is on this “Extremist Watch List“?  Neo-Nazis, KKK members and skinheads.

This is beyond outrageous, and clearly demonstrates how out-of-touch this far left organization has become.  If they were willing to label, slander and malign Dr.… Continue Reading

The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment

Job Fair

Written by Jim Clifton

Here’s something that many Americans — including some of the smartest and most educated among us — don’t know: The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading.

Right now, we’re hearing much celebrating from the media, the White House and Wall Street about how unemployment is “down” to 5.6%. The cheerleading for this number is deafening. The media loves a comeback story, the White House wants to score political points and Wall Street would like you to stay in the market.… Continue Reading

U.S. House Speaker Disappointing Traditional Marriage Advocates


Written by Chad Groening

An Ohio-based pro-family activist is disappointed that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is refusing to take a stand for traditional marriage.

The U.S. Supreme Court recently announced that it will hear cases from four states that have statutes that only permit marriage between one man and one woman. The high court is expected to decide whether laws can limit marriage to one man and one woman and whether states are legally required to recognize same-sex unions from other states.… Continue Reading

Huckabee Lambasts Idea of Christians ‘Evolving’ on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

As a former Baptist pastor, potential Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee blasted what he considers a theologically incorrect and politically correct concept of Christians evolving their stance on same-sex “marriage” — a process President Barack Obama proclaimed he underwent before fully endorsing the homosexual agenda in regards to marriage, military policy and LGBT “rights” across America.

Huckabee slammed the idea of punishing Christians for objecting to same-sex marriage earlier this week on CNN’s State of the Union program, arguing that religious freedom guaranteed by the U.S.… Continue Reading

Obama’s Ominous Evolution


Written by David E. Smith

In May 2012, I wrote an article in response to President Barack Obama’s statement that he had “evolved” to support redefining marriage to include homosexual partners.  In this article, I pointed out that it really wasn’t an “evolution” as much as it was a flip-flop.

Let me explain:

In 1996, as a candidate for the Illinois State Senate, Obama went on record in favor of same-sex “marriage.” Then in 2004, as a candidate for U.S.… Continue Reading

Obama Knows Better Than Business Owners… Just Ask Him


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

The Obama administration has declared that it’s wiser than business owners when it comes to running their own companies.

After President Barack Obama’s recent announcement of his policy that would force small business owners to pay a mandatory sick leave to their employees, many in the private sector have been up in arms. Owners of private companies raised many concerns with the problematic mandate, which many believe oversteps the government’s reach.… Continue Reading

Good News! Session Ends — Sine Die

Written by David E. Smith

GOOD NEWS: The Illinois House adjourned yesterday for the session (sine die). This means the ERA is effectively dead. Feminists and other Leftists will have to start from square one in the new session, which starts on January 14, 2015, with a slightly more conservative General Assembly.

We expect the Illinois Senate to adjourn today for the session. The Senate sponsor of a terrible divorce bill (worse than no-fault) will not call it for a vote because there are too many concerns with the bill.… Continue Reading