Written by Dr. Everett Piper
One of the most disturbing bits of news in recent weeks comes from Washington, D.C., and the National Archives Task Force on Racism.
In a little-noticed report issued in late June, this task force argued that our nation’s Capitol Rotunda is an example of “structural racism.”
The proposed solution to America’s sin of stating that all men are created equal and endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights is to “reimagine the Rotunda” and to post “trigger warnings” to “forewarn audiences of content that may cause intense physiological and psychological symptoms.”… Continue Reading
Written by David Limbaugh
Most people sense that America is under assault by America-hating forces and worry that our freedoms are actually in jeopardy. Mark Levin‘s new book, “American Marxism,” confirms those fears, exposes the chilling aims and methods of these malicious groups, and provides a blueprint to restore America to a path of recovery.
Levin has a gift for distilling abstract ideas into understandable terms for lay consumption. I’ve personally written and discussed many of the ideas he addresses in this compelling book but had not considered the term “counterrevolution” to describe what we’re witnessing.… Continue Reading
Written by Michael Haverluck
As crime escalates in some of America’s largest Democrat-run cities, politicians in the same party continue to press for defunding of law enforcement across the country. But according to recent nationwide poll, three-fourths of Americans would like to see additional police officers on the streets.
The latest USA Today/Ipsos poll revealed that President Joe Biden and Democrats are not pushing popular policy when it comes to Americans’ safety and well-being.
“In the survey, 7 in 10 supported increasing police department budgets; 77% said they would like additional police officers deployed on street patrols,” the USA Today/Ipsos poll disclosed.… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe
It has been said that he who frames the debate wins the debate. I think the “progressives” were brilliant to coin this term. But in reality, it’s one big lie.
Progress is a good thing, but many of the policies of the so-called “progressives” is anti-progress. “Progressive” is a misnomer.
As my boss, Dr. Frank Wright notes, “Using the fraudulent manipulation of language, Leftist progressives aim to advance their political, environmental, quasi-scientific, and socialistic agenda.”… Continue Reading
Written by David Limbaugh
As absurd, extreme and reckless as the American left has been on race, and despite growing public disapproval of their antics, they are doubling down rather than pulling back.
On the Fourth of July, Utah’s Black Lives Matter chapter described the American flag as “a symbol of hatred.”
“When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around,” it declared. “When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist.… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
I am going to say it.
Something that few people appear to be willing to say.
But yet, something almost everyone believes.
Please stop talking about “White” people and “Black” people.
Millions of us just don’t care what color you are.
This racist nonsense is destroying America.
Please stop saying that “White people don’t see Black people as human beings.” — CNN’s Don Lemon.
Please stop saying that “racism is unconscious in everyone.”… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe
There were more mass shootings in Chicago last weekend. The irony of these shootings, in which 54 were shot and 8 died, is the weekend itself….Father’s Day weekend.
Some sociologists note that what we’re seeing in large part are quite often the results of fatherlessness in America.
Mark J. Perry, a scholar with American Enterprise Institute, put out a chart on March 30, 2021 on fatherlessness in America. He compiled the statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics, and the chart compares the “percentage of U.S.… Continue Reading
Written by Laura Hollis
It’s shameful that it took so long to declare a national holiday to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States. But the nation’s first official Juneteenth holiday weekend got off to an inauspicious start, to say the very least.
CNN reported gun violence in multiple locations, including my own small town of Granger, Indiana. My teenage son works at the family-owned grocery store in the same little shopping center where five people were shot (one fatally) at a “Juneteenth Summer Bash” party held at a tavern.… Continue Reading
Tags: COVID-19 lockdowns, Devin Foley, fatherlessness, Granger, Gyovanny Arzuaga, Humboldt Park, Indiana, Juneteenth, sexual revolution, Yasmin Perez
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
June 24, 2021 5:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
It’s no secret that families depend in many ways on the involvement of fathers.
A striking illustration of this can be found in America’s prisons, where charitable groups donate greeting cards for inmates. Mother’s Day cards are quickly snatched up, while Father’s Day cards go unclaimed. Most of the inmates either had a bad relationship with their dads or never knew them.
Likewise, we can trace many social ills to the demise of strong marriages and the absence — physical or emotional — of husbands/fathers in the household.… Continue Reading