Written by Daniel Horowitz
Sadly, fireworks were not the only munitions shot over the July 4 weekend. Statues weren’t the only things felled by anarchists and criminals roaming free in the streets. This weekend was a bloody one across the country, with endless shootings in America’s cities, including New York City, which was considered the safest American city for a generation. Once again, African-American victims, including a number of young children, paid the price while the anarchy was excused and even legitimized by the media and politicians.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anthony Smith, Davon McNeal, Jace Young, Luis Torres, Peter Mallory, Rayshard Brooks, Royta Giles Jr., Secoriea Turner
Crime Culture, Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
July 7, 2020 7:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
It’s the sort of gun violence that happens every day, but is conveniently ignored by those who hate guns, except in the hands of repeat violent offenders. A seven-year-old girl was out trick-or-treating with her father in Chicago dressed up as a bumblebee. Suddenly, they were caught in the crossfire of a Latin Kings gang war, and the child was shot in the neck and chest.
While the identity of the suspected gunman has not yet been revealed, the Chicago Tribune is reporting that the target of the gunfire was a 32-year-old Latin King man “with a record of drug and assault arrests.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Chicago Violence, Donald Trump, drug trafficking, Eddie Johnson, Hunter Best, Joel Francisco, Latin Kings, “First Step” Act
Crime Culture, Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
November 8, 2019 6:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
Why aren’t Republicans pounding the lectern with righteous indignation about violent gun felons being let off easy by the judicial system the same way Democrats engage in cerebral gyrations over guns? Democrats have sob stories for their gun control agenda. Republicans need to look no farther than Chicago as the poster child for criminal control.
On June 23, 2017, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson stood beside then-Gov. Bruce Rauner and celebrated the passage of a bill stiffening sentences on gun felons.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anthony Guglielmi, Bruce Rauner, Carol Howard, Chicago Police, Chicago Tribune, Eddie Johnson, Illinois Department of Corrections, jailbreak, Joaquin Urcino, John Kass
Crime Culture, Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
September 9, 2019 6:00 AM |
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