Category: Federal Issues

Stop Harry Reid’s Re-Election to U.S. Senate Majority Leader

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Dems, GOP Split On Handling Money

Pile Of Money

Written by Michael Medved

A recent report on campaign fundraising reveals an important distinction between the two major parties when it comes to handling money. In the last nineteen months, the Democratic National Committee raised a bit more than the Republican National Committee—$ 61 million, compared to $60 million for the GOP.

At the same time that they raise more money, the Democrats spend a lot more—so they have less cash on hand than the GOP, by a whopping margin of 4 million dollars.… Continue Reading

Congress Getting Paid for ‘Not Doing A Lot of Work’


Written by Chris Woodward

Though Congress is getting back to work this month, one organization says constituents still won’t be getting their money’s worth.

After an August recess, David Williams of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA) reports that Congress is going to be in session for two weeks before members head back to their home districts for campaigning purposes.

“So, they’re not doing a lot of work, and it’s really showing,” he contends. “We can see that with the debt, with the deficit and just the amount of work that’s not getting done in Washington.”… Continue Reading

JV Team Interrupts Prez Golf Game


Written by John Kirkwood

“The analogy we use around here sometimes and is accurate is if a JV team puts on Laker uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.” – President Barack Obama to David Remnick on the threat posed by ISIS

Don’t look now Mr. President but the J.V. team just truncated one of our own.

Is the decapitated head of an American journalist somehow less revolting when viewed from the presidential seat in Golf Cart One?

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Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Makes Huge Stand Against “Clearly Incompetent” Obama

Originally posted at

President Barack Obama has not enjoyed many successes in his five-plus years in office, though the number of mistakes, scandals, and total failures continue to mount: Syria’s civil war continues unabated. A terrorist released from Guantanamo Bay is currently leading the radical Islamist ISIS group invading Iraq. Lois Lerner’s IRS scandal grows more damning with each new revelation. Obamacare suffers one legal defeat after another, with more likely in the offing.

The long litany of Obama’s problems has led an increasing number to wonder at what such an ineffectual person is doing occupying the Oval Office.… Continue Reading

Unimpeachable Tales in Washington


Written by Robert Knight

All this talk of Republicans on the verge of impeaching President Barack Obama is nonsense, stoked by Democrats and a few wistful conservatives who dream aloud about what, in a constitutional republic, should actually happen to a lawless president.

With Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) running the U.S. Senate, however, it’s not going to happen right now, regardless of the clear merit. If the U.S. House passed an impeachment resolution, Reid would give it no more respect than a used tissue – after waving it around to whip up the party’s base.… Continue Reading

Big Government’s IT Problem

There’s a reason so many states didn't create their own health exchanges. 

Written by Michael Barone

Earlier this week, I was thinking of writing a column about the lying and duplicity of Obamacare backers who argued that the difference between providing subsidies in states with state-run health exchanges and providing no subsidies in states with federal exchanges resulted from inadvertence or a typographical error.

Typical among them was MIT health-care expert Jonathan Gruber. The folks at the Competitive Enterprise Institute found video of him in 2012 arguing that all or most states would create their own exchanges because they wouldn’t get subsidies if they let the federal government run their exchanges.… Continue Reading

Gaza, Liberals, and Moral Equivalence

Gaza conflict

Written by Michael Medved

A big majority of Americans say Israel is justified in its response to Hamas, but a CNN/ORC poll shows revealing ideological differences in attitudes toward the Middle East.

Among Republicans, 73% stand with Israel, and among Independents that support remains strong at 56%. But among Democrats, only a minority – 45% – feels the Jewish state is justified in its military response in Gaza to stop rocket attacks and terror tunnels.

This attitude indicates that liberals have not only lost touch with public opinion but they’ve disconnected from reality.… Continue Reading

Warning Goes Forth, Again, Over Ratifying UN Treaty


A U.S. Senate panel has advanced to the full senate a treaty that could pose a danger to parents and to preborn babies. 

Written by Charlie Butts

After a contentious hearing this week, the Judiciary Committee advanced the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which one expert says has a nice title but is deceiving.

Will Estrada of the Home School Legal Defense Association says there are three concerns, beginning with an intrusion into national sovereignty.… Continue Reading

U.S. Representative Gutierrez Admits Amnesty is About New Voters

Written by David E. Smith

U.S. Representative Luis Gutiérrez (D-Chicago) inadvertently admitted that the Left’s interest in pursuing amnesty for tens of millions of illegal immigrants in the United States is about infusing new voters into the Democratic Party.

While appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program, U.S. Rep. Gutiérrez confidently spoke about going to the White House later in the day to work out how the president could unilaterally issue amnesty for 4 or 5 million illegal immigrants:

“Let me just say in about an hour, I’m going over to the White House.  

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