Category: Federal Issues

Obama’s Disconnected, Out of Touch, In Denial State of the Union

Barack Obama

Written by Byron York

Perhaps the most striking thing about the 2015 State of the Union address was not the president at the podium but the audience in the seats. The joint session of Congress listening to President Obama Tuesday night included 83 fewer Democrats than the group that heard Obama’s first address in 2009 — 69 fewer Democrats in the U.S. House and 14 fewer in the U.S. Senate. The scene in the U.S. House Chamber was a graphic reminder of the terrible toll the Obama years have taken on Capitol Hill Democrats.… Continue Reading

Obama Knows Better Than Business Owners… Just Ask Him


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

The Obama administration has declared that it’s wiser than business owners when it comes to running their own companies.

After President Barack Obama’s recent announcement of his policy that would force small business owners to pay a mandatory sick leave to their employees, many in the private sector have been up in arms. Owners of private companies raised many concerns with the problematic mandate, which many believe oversteps the government’s reach.… Continue Reading

Will a GOP Candidate Emerge to Confront Radical Islam?


Written by Chad Groening

A former U.S. Justice Department attorney says he’s hopeful that a Republican presidential candidate will emerge who shows the moral clarity to confront evil and not appease radical Islamists.

The Obama administration has drawn criticism from Republican lawmakers over the president’s decision to release five more Guantanamo detainees. Four of the five Yemeni terrorists headed for Oman, Yemen’s neighbor, fueling speculation that they will soon be back in the terrorist business.

The administration is taking heat not only for the Gitmo transfers, but for its refusal to publicly call out radical Islam as the common thread in terrorist attacks.… Continue Reading

‘The Preservation of the United States…Must Come from the Republican Party’


Written by John Biver

A few days ago, two political philosophy professors whose work I studied in college, died on the same day. Both lived long lives, Walter Berns was 95, and Harry Jaffa was 96.

Here is Peter Augustine Lawler writing at National Review (emphasis is mine):

Berns and Jaffa, two legendary teachers and scholars, died last Saturday within hours of each other. What tied them together is they were both students of Leo Strauss, and all of their writing was fundamentally indebted to “disruptive innovations” that Strauss introduced into our understanding of thought and politics.…… Continue Reading

Obama Too Busy for France

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Obama: Federal Gov Will Increase Budget (and Debt) by 7% Next Year


Written by Rick Moran

President Obama wants to toss the sequestration agreement he made with Republcians in 2011 and is proposing an increase of at least $68 billion in the FY 2016 budget.

As imperfect as it is, sequestration has been partly successful in reigning in government spending. It could have worked better if Congress wasn’t always carving out exemptions. But there’s no doubt that there are tens of billions of dollars that would have been spent without it.… Continue Reading

The Dictionary Proves It: Government Means Control


Written by Michael Medved

As the presidential campaign begins to come into focus in the early days of 2015 it should become increasingly obvious that the race will turn on fundamental disagreement about the very nature of government. Democrats believe that government exists in order to help people; since many segments of the populace can always use more help, progressives assume they can always benefit from more government.

Conservatives, on the other hand, tend to see government as a necessary but dangerous force in modern life that must be strictly limited, since government is designed to control people more than to help them.… Continue Reading

LGBTQ Lauds Jeb Bush’s Stand for SSM Ruling


Written by Michael G. Haverluck

Former Florida governor and prospective 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush might have moved himself further away from the conservative voters he’s been trying to woo by inserting himself in the middle of Florida’s recent courtroom chaos, urging Floridians to “respect the rule of the law” recently changed by a pro-“gay” activist judge to legalize same-sex “marriage.”

The ruling on same-sex marriage by Florida District Court Judge Robert Lewis Hinkle was interpreted this month by state officials as allowing the union that was formerly banned by Florida’s traditional marriage amendment, which protected marriage as only between one man and one woman.… Continue Reading

Government Giveaways


Written by David E. Smith

President Barack Obama recently announced a proposal to make two years of community college “free” for all “responsible students.”  According to various news reports, this government program would cost $60 billion.  It is hard to believe that the Republican controlled Congress would approve adding a new costly federal program when many of them are looking to make significant budget cuts.

It is hard to understand why the dominant media refuses to expose political lies of “free” government programs.… Continue Reading

Conservatives in Illinois Favor Ted Cruz for 2016

Our friends over at the are reporting on a “Land of Reagan” poll that was taken in November and December of 2014, asking the question: “Among potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates, who is your first choice at this time?”

They found that Ted Cruz was the heavy favorite.  Here are the complete resutles:

PollContinue Reading