Category: Federal Issues

U.S. Sen. Cruz Responds to SCOTUS Decisions


Written by U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

[Last] week, we have twice seen U.S. Supreme Court Justices violating their judicial oaths. Yesterday, the Justices re-wrote Obamacare, yet again, in order to force this failed law on the American people. [Friday], the Court doubled down with a 5-4 opinion that undermines not just the definition of marriage, but the very foundations of our representative form of government.

Both decisions were judicial activism, plain and simple. Both were lawless.

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Barack Obama’s Third Term?


Written by Ken Blackwell & Bob Morrison

The best line President Obama delivered in his 2015 State of the Union Address was not one written for him by his speechwriters. When he said he would not be on the ballot again, Republicans who had just taken over both Houses of Congress stood and applauded.

Good naturedly, but with a bit of sarcasm, Mr. Obama reminded his opponents that he won both times he was on the national ballot.… Continue Reading

Study Marxism to Understand Hillary


Written by Cliff Kincaid

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s speech that launched his presidential campaign on Monday noted that Hillary Clinton’s “progressive agenda” includes the admonition that traditional religious beliefs “have to be changed.” Mrs. Clinton’s entire quote, in talking about opposition to her version of feminism and demands for abortion, was that “…deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

Bush also said of the Democrats, “They have offered a progressive agenda that includes everything but progress.”… Continue Reading

Long-Shot Lindsey Graham Thinks He Has a Chance


Written by Rachel Alexander

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, considered a liberal Republican on almost everything except foreign policy, announced today from his hometown of Central in South Carolina that he was entering the GOP presidential primary. A military veteran, his speech emphasized foreign policy and a muscular military stance abroad. Presently, “radical Islam is running wild,” is “large, rich and entrenched,” he said, but if he is elected president, “I will make them small, poor and on the run.”… Continue Reading

Memorial Day Tribute: FOR YOU

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Could a Conservative Democrat Challenge Hillary?


Written by Bruce Walker

Hillary sure looks like a weak candidate.  There are a few Democrats who may challenge her, but none of these will attack her for being too liberal or for being corrupt.  Instead we hear the weary refrains of Democrats needing to get tougher on Wall Street, to redistribute wealth, and so on.  It is as if the only two divisions in the Democrat Party are the left and the radical left.

Yet Gallup reports that only 44% of Democrats describe themselves as “liberal,” while 19% of Democrats call themselves “conservative” and 36% of Democrats call themselves “moderate.” … Continue Reading

MSNBC Bashes Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Strategy of Avoiding Questions

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Hillary’s Going Left; GOP Needs to Return Right


Written by David Limbaugh

I think Hillary Clinton has learned (or believes she has learned) a great deal from Barack Obama over the years, though none of it has to do with statesmanship. It has to do with how a presidential candidate positions herself with the electorate.

From all indications and a recent Washington Post article on the subject, Hillary’s strategy is to emulate Obama’s appeal to his leftist base and his arrogant disrespect for any constitutional limitations on his authority.… Continue Reading

How 5 Republicans Let Congress Keep Its Fraudulent Obamacare Subsidies

 Graphic Health-care experts call it D.C. insiderism at its worst. 

Written by Brendan Bordelon

The rumors began trickling in about a week before the scheduled vote on April 23: Republican leadership was quietly pushing senators to pull support for subpoenaing Congress’s fraudulent application to the District of Columbia’s health exchange — the document that facilitated Congress’s “exemption” from Obamacare by allowing lawmakers and staffers to keep their employer subsidies.

The application said Congress employed just 45 people.… Continue Reading

Saul Alinsky, Climate Scientist

Ring of Fire

Written by Anthony J. Sadar and JoAnn Truchan

In his 1971 handbook, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals, the godfather of community organizers, Saul D. Alinsky, asserted that the “basic requirement for the politics of change is to reorganize the world as it is.”

To Alinsky, the world and its history were all about revolution.

Saul Alinsky radicals who are all about revolutionary change (“we are the ones we’ve been waiting for” kind of change) have now seized control of an issue that can more quickly bring about that change – “climate disruption,” as expressed in community-organizer lingo.… Continue Reading