Category: Federal Issues

Is Mitch McConnell a Coward? You Decide


Written by Tim Wildmon

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has shown his cowardice. He’s so afraid of President Barack Obama that he won’t even try anymore.

On Monday, McConnell proved he has no stomach for a fight to defund Planned Parenthood, despite overwhelming evidence that it is butchering babies and selling their body parts. I’d say he has no backbone either.

In a radio interview, McConnell said that if he defunded the abortion giant in upcoming spending bills, Obama would veto it, thus shutting down the government and blaming Republicans. … Continue Reading

Ted Cruz Challenges Boehner and McConnell: Stop the Iran Deal


Written by Joel Gehrke

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) provided air support for a revolt underway in the House today, as he called on Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to stop the Iran deal by refusing to hold a vote on the agreement.

Cruz’s mention of GOP leadership drew boos at Wednesday’s rally against the Iran deal on Capitol Hill, which he helped organize. “Hold on: I come not to bury Caesar but to praise him,” Cruz said, quoting from William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.… Continue Reading

Christians & The Law

Kim Davis

Written by Gary Bauer

I am pleased to report that Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk Kim Davis has been released from jail. But I have been very disappointed by the parade of leading Republicans — Donald Trump, Governor Jeb Bush, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, Governor Chris Christie and others — who are distancing themselves from Davis.

This sorry episode is yet another example of our side playing by one set of rules while the other side plays by its own.… Continue Reading

Climate Warming Alarmism

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The 2016 Election for Dummies

election 4 dummies 2016

Written by Lawrence Sellin, PhD

The two most important issues of the 2016 election are non-partisan.

(1)    The federal government and the media are, as institutions, hopelessly corrupt.

(2)    The United States has elections, but we no longer have representative government.

None of the problems facing the country can be solved effectively without first confronting those two issues. Without doing so, we are just kicking the can down the road toward national collapse and fragmentation.

Americans are no longer citizens of a republic, but subjects of a reigning oligarchy composed of a self-absorbed permanent political class, which services the interests of wealthy financiers at the expense of the wider population.… Continue Reading

Foreswear a Third Party Bid? Nah.


Written by J. Robert Smith

At Thursday night’s GOP cattle call, Bret Baier asked for a show of hands.

Gentlemen, we know how much you love hand-raising questions. So we promise, this is the only one tonight: the only one. Is there anyone on stage, and can I see hands, who is unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the Republican party and pledge to not run an independent campaign against that person.

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Mark Kirk Bolts from Fellow Republicans to Defend Planned Parenthood


Written by Daniel Davis

U.S. Senator Mark Kirk bucked his Republican colleagues Monday and sided with U.S. Senate Democrats to keep taxpayer money flowing to Planned Parenthood. Kirk, who has a 25 percent rating from NARAL (the nation’s leading pro-abortion group), defended his vote to sustain the Democratic filibuster on the grounds that Planned Parenthood does not sell baby parts in his home state of Illinois.

“In other states tissue donation programs should be investigated but in Illinois there is no similar program,” Kirk said in a statement to The Hill.

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Planned Parenthood President Visited the White House 39 Time Since Obama Took Office


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On Thursday, the White House came to the defense of Planned Parenthood calling the stream of damning videos against the organization “fraudulent.” The talking points used by the White House came straight from Planned Parenthood itself.

Now, according to the visitor log, it was discovered that the president of Planned Parenthood has made at least 39 visits to the Obama White House since he’s taken office.

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards made her first trip to the White House on Obama’s first day in office.… Continue Reading

Cruz Vows Vote on Defunding Planned Parenthood


By Sarah Ferris

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wants to force the Senate to vote on defunding Planned Parenthood this week, as a second undercover video unleashes a new storm of scrutiny of the organization.

Cruz’s office said Tuesday that he plans to file an amendment on the highway bill that would eliminate all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, in addition to an amendment that would fully repeal ObamaCare.

Cruz is the second senator — and the second GOP presidential candidate — who is eying the highway bill as an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.… Continue Reading

Watch 6 Presidential Candidates Answer Christian Leaders’ Question About Poverty (Video)


Written by Samuel Smith

A coalition of Christian leaders devoted to helping end poverty has released a series of videos featuring six 2016 presidential candidates. Each candidate explained the approach that he or she would take to solve poverty and hunger issues in the United States and across the globe if they were elected president.

As over 45 million Americans are living below the poverty level, The Circle of Protection, a coalition representing a diverse group of over 65 Christian leaders and organizations headed by Bread For The World, Sojourners and the National Association of Evangelicals, challenged each presidential candidate on the day they announced their candidacy to provide a video explaining their plans to end poverty.

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