Category: Faith & Religion


Written by Benjamin Smith

This week’s Spotlight podcast features the speech David E. Smith, executive director of IFI and IFA, presented at the 2019 Faith, Family, and Freedom banquet. In keeping with the banquet’s theme, “Boldness,” Dave emphasizes the need for Christians to be bolder in the public square, especially in the face of increasing pressure from the radical, regressive, and relentless left.

The theme verse highlights that quality: “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1). … Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: We Are A Forgetful People

Written by David E. Smith

The rotunda of the Illinois State Capitol is the setting for this edition of Spotlight. Monte Larrick interviewed Delbra Pratt of the Illinois Prayer Caucus Network following the December 3rd dedication of the nativity scene on display in the rotunda. They discuss the important messages that a nativity scene sends when featured in the public square and contrast that with the messages of the displays of the Freedom from Religion Foundation and the Chicago chapter of The Satanic Temple.Continue Reading

Let’s Be Clear: What Pete Buttigieg Preaches Isn’t Christianity

Written by Peter Heck

I’m fine with the fact that I disagree with South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg on virtually every political issue. We can debate those.

Even though as a Hoosier myself, I am more intimately aware of the mismanaged manure pile his administration has produced, I know that can be endured and fixed.

I am annoyed by his politically-motivated doublespeak regarding Vice President Mike Pence – claiming a positive working relationship with the “nice” Vice President, before sharpening his tongue to stab him as a “fanatical” homophobe when it was expedient.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Conversation With Pastor Wes Modder

Written by Benjamin Smith

Monte Larrick and David Smith welcome the Reverend Dr. Wes Modder to this week’s edition of Spotlight. Pastor Modder is a former Navy chaplain and a retired lieutenant commander who served as a Marine in Operation Desert Storm. He currently is the lead pastor of the Rock Church in Orland Hills, Illinois.

On the eighteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, it is fitting that the podcast begins with a discussion of how Americans, specifically Christians, ought to live in light of the events of that horrific day.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Part Two of Our Conversation With Pastor Lindstrom

Written by David E. Smith

To start off September, this edition of Spotlight features part two of Monte Larrick and David Smith’s conversation with Pastor Calvin Lindstrom. The gentlemen stress the need to prioritize Christian education and explore various ways parents can implement faith-based education for their children. Pastor Lindstrom also details the important distinctives, advantages and opportunities of an academically-sound and biblically-solid education.

After the break the discussion turns to the recent, spectacular collapse – due to either moral failure of falling away from the faith – of several high-profile Christian leaders.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: How Regressive Legislation Forms Cultural Norms

Written by Benjamin Smith

In this week’s Spotlight, Pastor Calvin Lindstrom sits down with Dave Smith and Monte Larrick to discuss the distorted message and disastrous impact of the growing weed wave that is flooding the nation and the incestuous relationship between our elected officials (and their family members) and Big Marijuana. They also offer information about the “opt-out” option for counties and detail how you can encourage your local officials to opt-out of retail marijuana establishments in your area.… Continue Reading

Buttigieg’s Appropriation of God is Not Ok

Written by Peter Heck

In a crowded field of competitors I get what he’s doing.  And politically I don’t blame him.  South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is a longshot candidate who lacks the pedigree, chops, and experience for the office he seeks.  But that doesn’t always matter in presidential primaries.  Often times outsider candidates who find a niche, tap into a core group of committed supporters who are willing to ride with them through thick and thin, can take advantage of the splintering nature of crowded race demographics and pull the upset.… Continue Reading

The Outworking of Our Faith

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Congress Should Defund Federal Government From Coordinating With the SPLC

Written by Richard McCarty

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and its co-founder Morris Dees, who was recently fired by the organization, have long and sleazy pasts. Over the years, they have been sharply criticized for their tactics, priorities, and mistreatment of employees.

Despite this, the federal government has regarded the SPLC as an expert on extremism and has a long history of coordinating with law enforcement at the federal and state level. SPLC sources were among those used to draft the Department of Homeland Security right-wing extremism memo in 2009.… Continue Reading

Living In A Post-Truth Culture

Written by Bob Perry

I’ve made the case that truthgoodness, and beauty are objective features of the world we live in. Hopefully, you’ve found that to be interesting. But please don’t think this is just an esoteric triviality. It’s not. We are living in a post-truth culture. But it’s a place where the objective nature of truth, goodness, and beauty are deeply relevant. Our view of objective truth affects everything about how we live our lives.… Continue Reading