Category: Exclude From Homepage

Your Voice Needs to be Heard in DC Today! (Mike Bost)

Written by David E. Smith

As you may have noticed, the U.S. Congress is facing a number of urgent matters that demand their attention and action. These issues span a wide range of areas, from the ongoing unfettered immigration invasion and national security concerns, to inflation concerns, and our entanglement in the Ukraine-Russia war. On top of all this some are unwisely pushing ahead to create a federal digital currency.

Your voice to your Republican member of the U.S.… Continue Reading

Honor Memorial Day

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Praise God for Resurrection Sunday!

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Ignore the Evidence, Stick to the Talking Points

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“We The People…”

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Test Post

Test next gen… Continue Reading

Merry Christmas!

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Help Us Uphold the Truth on #GivingTuesday

Today has become known as “Giving Tuesday,” a day when charities ask you to consider helping fund their worthwhile efforts.

Since 2010, Illinois Family Action (IFA) has been a bold voice for the sanctity of life, religious liberty, education choice and other family issues. Specifically, we’ve worked diligently in the political arena to help elect the best pro-family candidates for state and federal office. As a result, we’ve seen dozens of RINOs retired.

These core beliefs are some of the key building blocks behind what we do, but they aren’t just things we’ve decided on a whim.… Continue Reading

Can You Say, “godless agenda”?

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You Will Like It, Or Else….

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