Self Evident Episode 5: Chaos, Coffee Cake and Colors

Welcome to the bonus episode of Self Evident, where the hosts just hit record and conversed on anything they desired. Get to know the girls better as they disagree about coffee, delight over Dracula, dissect colors, and laugh about their discombobulated thoughts.


Listen now!

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Go Read Your Bibles (Self Evident, Episode 4)

Eliana, Kenna and Jenna are especially excited in this episode, for the fourth host of Self Evident, Alyssa, has finally joined their ranks and completed their posse.  The girls settle in to list the most important reasons you should be reading your Bible.

We all know as Christians we should be reading our Bibles. But life seems to get in the way, and then we become discouraged and feel like we’re a horrible child of God when we miss a day or don’t understand a passage.… Continue Reading

You Are Worth Protecting: Part 2 (Self Evident, Episode 3)

God gave humans shoulders for a reason, and there is no shame in making them cold when an unpleasant personage approaches you!

Kenna, Eliana and Jenna are back in Self Evident’s third episode to wrap up their conversation on how girls should protect their hearts in today’s world.

Listen now!

 … Continue Reading

You Are Worth Protecting: Pt. 1 (Self Evident ep. 2)

Woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself. ~ Susan B. Anthony


In the second episode of Self Evident, Eliana, Kenna and Jenna address the vital importance of protecting your heart as a woman–not merely physically, but mentally and Spiritually. Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts carefully, for out of it flows the springs of life. The girls list practical approaches you can take to ensure you are fully prepared for whatever life throws your way.… Continue Reading

Self Evident: The Podcast

Hail and well met! Welcome to the inaugural episode of Self Evident!

Hosts Jenna, Eliana and Kenna introduce themselves and why they decided to begin a podcast together. They–by discussing and dismantling subjects prevalent in the Western culture–want to make truth self evident again. Their goal is to to make current cultural events and worldview issues relatable to generation z, and point all those listening to the Gospel and what the Bible says.

Listen to their first episode here:

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U.S. Reps. Miller & Boebert in Quincy this Saturday!

Written by Jenna Smith

Ladies and gentlemen! This Saturday, in Quincy Illinois, there will be a rally to defend the Second Amendment that will be one you do not want to miss.

Illinois’ lone Freedom Caucus member, U.S. Representative Mary Miller (R-15), will be joined by fellow Freedom Caucus member U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) to meet patriots like yourself, to address the issues facing our nation and what they, as representatives of we the people, are doing about it.… Continue Reading

Why the ‘Green New Deal’ Should Be Painted Red

Written by Robert Knight

People keep talking about how much Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” would cost.

Trillions and trillions. But that’s not the point.  It’s all about power.

The self-described Democratic Socialist from New York, is, like her sponsor Sen. Bernie Sanders, a communist in sheep’s clothing.

According to,  “She was recruited to run by Brand New Congress, a political action committee founded by former Sanders staffers, and her campaign was shaped by it, as well as by the DSA [Democratic Socialists of America].”… Continue Reading

Thomas Sowell Warns U.S. May Not Resist Siren Song of Socialism

Written by Douglas Ernst

Thomas Sowell, a living legend in the field of economics, says he fears the U.S. may eventually succumb to the siren song of socialism.

The author of “Basic Economics,” “The Vision of the Anointed,” “The Quest for Cosmic Justice” and numerous other books said the U.S. may very well go down a path of financial ruin due to “wonderful-sounding” rhetoric.

Mr. Sowell, a Marxist in his youth, made the remarks Tuesday while appearing with Fox Business Network’s David Asman.… Continue Reading

Founding Fathers: Without Virtue There Is No Freedom

Written by Joshua Charles

The Founding Fathers believed one thing was absolutely essential to a free society: virtue. Sometimes the term they used was “self-government.”

What did it mean? Informed by thousands of years of philosophy and theology, first with Greeks like Aristotle, and later by Christian theologians such as Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas, the Founders understood “virtue” to be behavior (more specifically, habits) in accordance with the good—which both Aristotle and Aquinas, among others, defined as behaving according to “right reason.”… Continue Reading

What a Socialist Really Wants

Written by Bruce Deitrick Price

What exactly is a socialist?  You could spend all day studying encyclopedias and not settle anything. Using various definitions, you could probably prove that anybody is or isn’t a socialist.

So let’s talk to a socialist.  Ignore the verbiage and look inside his head.  When someone announces to the world, “I’m a socialist,” what is that person thinking?

With this focus, everything becomes simpler.  Socialists may not be able to claim experience, learning, smarts, or success.  … Continue Reading