Share These Candidate Comparisons on Social Media

Written by David E. Smith and Kathy Valente

The voting record and agenda of Illinois Democrats can only be described as far left on the political spectrum. We could justifiably call them extreme. But the deceptive media in Illinois will never identify them honestly because they are collaborators in creating a godless socialist culture.

Below we have posted a number of comparison graphics for candidates running for federal and state legislative seats. We’ve listed them by President, U.S. House, Illinois Senate and Illinois House district numbers.

First, you will want to look up your Congressional and state legislative district numbers. Your U.S. Representative (or Congressman) is the last listed under Federal. Your state senate and state representative are the last listed under State. Then return to this page where you’ll find comparison pieces for many of the candidates running. Please download the ones you believe are important and share them on your social media pages.

Many of your neighbors, church friends, and family members don’t know how the elected officials that represent them are voting. In fact, their votes shock most people. These elected officials must be held accountable–that is, retired–by the voters in this election for their part in creating bedlam in the Land of Lincoln.

So please share this information and thank you in advance for helping to turn this state back into a place where families can thrive.

Illinois Ballot Referendum Questions

There are three referendum questions on the ballot for all Illinois voters. These questions are non-binding, meaning they do not directly change laws but provide lawmakers with a gauge of public sentiment on these issues. They were placed on the ballot by the super-majority of Democrats in the Illinois General Assembly and happily signed into effect by Governor J.B. Pritzker.

We recommend voting NO to each of these questions. To better understand the questions and the reasoning behind our guidance, please click HERE to read more.

You can click on the orange button to find the candidates who are running in your area.

Presidential Comparison    

U.S. Congress

U.S. House District 1

U.S. House District 2

U.S. House District 3

U.S. House District 6

U.S. House District 7

U.S. House District 8

U.S. House District 9  Jan Schakowsky voting record

U.S. House District 11

U.S. House District 13

U.S. House District 14 (versión en español)

U.S. House District 17

Illinois State Senate

State Senate 19 (versión en español)

State Senate 25   (versión en español)

State Senate 40  

State Senate 43

Illinois State House

State House 13

State House 17

State House 18

State House 30

State House 31

State House 34

State House 35  

State House 36

State House 47

State House 50

State House 51

State House 52

State House 54

State House 57

State House 61

State House 65  

State House 66

State House 69

State House 79

State House 80

State House 85

State House 96

State House 105

State House 112   Katie Stuart voting record

State House 114   

Voter turnout in the last Primary Election in March was just below 17 percent. It may be higher for the General Election, but we must work hard to get Christian conservatives motivated and overwhelm the Left’s agenda to push social justice wokeism on our families! With your help, we have a good chance flip dozens of seats from godless to god-fearing. Only then can we hope to see our state moving in the right direction.