Illinois Elections

Written by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

On June 28, 2022, Illinois will hold primary elections. One hundred and thirty-three days later is the general election on November 8, 2022. Through Illinois Family Action, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many excellent candidates who are running for state and federal offices. Lord willing some of these excellent candidates will win and take office.

The two most significant elections are the race for Governor and U.S. Senate. Do conservative, God-fearing candidates have any chance of defeating two abortion-loving candidates – JB Pritzker and Tammy Duckworth? Following Pritzker on Twitter, I have noticed that just about every other tweet is about killing unborn children. Tammy Duckworth on Mother’s Day stressed without any irony how important it is for a mother to be able to kill her unborn child.

Both candidates have vast financial reserves and as incumbents will be very difficult in our sad state to defeat.

According to the most recent census, Illinois has a population of 12,812,508. The nation grew 7 percent since 2010, but Illinois shrank 0.1 percent. It must just be the bad weather that Illinois has. We know this because Wisconsin grew by 3.6 percent and has beautiful weather year-round. Thankfully, Illinois still has a lot of people in cemeteries who can’t move but who can still vote.

So, what would it take to defeat Pritzker and Duckworth? I believe it is a very challenging but not impossible task given that 2022 is not a presidential election year. (I am not taking into account the fraud which we know takes place sadly).

In the last non-presidential election year, 2018, Pritzker beat the feckless Bruce Rauner by 713,995 votes (54.5 percent to 38.8 percent). This vote percentage matches pretty closely the 2020 U.S. Senate election (Dick Durbin aka Eddie Haskell vs. Mark Curran), the 2016 U.S. Senate Election (Tammy Duckworth vs. RINO Mark Kirk). The 2014 U.S. Senate Election between Eddie Haskell and Jim Oberweis was slightly closer 53.5% to 42.7%.

The point is that Democrats have cleaned up the slate on these elections in the past 10 years. Illinois Republicans have been very weak and likely we have lost many conservatives to sane, freedom-loving states like Florida and Tennessee.

But let’s go back to that 2018 race where Pritzker received 2,479,746 votes. In the 2020 election, President Donald J. Trump received almost the same number as Pritzker — 2,446,891 votes. That is because more people vote in a Presidential election. Indeed, Biden received 1 million more votes in our blue state than Trump in 2020.

But let’s go back to those Trump voters, assuming  they have not all left the state. Just 50,000 more votes and a solid pro-life, pro-family candidate could beat Pritzker in November 2022 . That would be 2.55 million votes. Can it be done? It is going to be very difficult since Pritzker has all the money in the world to lie and smear his opposing candidate. Duckworth also has a much larger campaign war chest than any of the Republican candidates. But if truly concerned citizens in Illinois showed up en masse this year like they did in 2020, it is not only conceivable, but very possible, especially since Pres. Biden and the Democrat agenda have been disastrous for most Americans.

It is going to be an uphill climb for sure, though. After all, this is Illinois. But, truly, let us be engaged in prayer, giving, and hard work to see that we have at least a chance. Lord, have mercy on our state.