Let’s Help Kathy Salvi Mount a Challenge to Tammy Duckworth in U.S. Senate Race
Written by John Lopez
Illinois Review reported Monday, February 28, former congressional candidate Kathy Salvi of unincorporated Fremont Township in Lake County, is circulating petitions to run for U.S. Senate in 2022.
Click HERE to download Salvi’s nomination petition. Collect as many signatures as you can in the next few days and mail them to her no later than Monday, March 7th. Petitions do not have to have every line filled and every signature will help! The final day of petition filing is March 14th, so it’s critical that we all do what we can.
The 62-year-old mother of six adult children is the wife of former State Representative Al Salvi (1993-1996), who was the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in 1996 and Illinois Secretary of State in 1998.
Both Salvis have been outspoken pro-life pro-family conservatives. Both attended the private Catholic school, Carmel High School in Mundelein, as did former U.S. Senator and former presidential candidate Rick Santorum (R-PA). The Salvis and Santorums are close friends.
The Illinois Review article can be viewed here.
With the late Monday afternoon U.S. Senate’s successful filibuster of the pro-abortion-on-demand legislation, H.R. 3755 which passed the U.S. House last September by 7 votes, the vote of U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-Hoffman Estates) on Monday reminds Illinois voters of Duckworth’s radical left-wing position on the sanctity of life. In 2012 during her 2nd electoral bid to the U.S. House she shared:
“In an email to the Chicago Tribune, Duckworth said she did ‘not support any restrictions on a woman’s right to choose or her access to safe, affordable reproductive health services.‘”
Given the votes counted in the U.S. Senate Monday afternoon on the cloture vote for H.R. 3755, euphemistically called the “Women’s Health Protection Act”, Duckworth remains committed to abortion “rights” for women. U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) was the only Democrat who voted with Republicans to defeat the vote for cloture.
Please download her petition and collect as many signatures as you can and mail them to her no later than Monday, March 7th so she will get them in time to compile them and file on the 14th. Thank you!