Posts tagged: Yale

The Fruit of Government Schools Is Bearing Itself Out On Our Streets

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

[Last] week’s news was dominated by the anti-Semitic protests taking place on college campuses across the nation. Columbia, Yale, Berkeley, Harvard. Over 120 American institutions have reported disruptions to the point that classes have been canceled and police have been called in to restore order.

So how did we get here? Who caused this mess? The answer is simple. All these childish antics and temper tantrums dominating the headlines can be traced back to one key source: the terrible ideas we have been teaching our children for the past 50 years. … Continue Reading

Resisting The Ruling Elites Insanity

Written by Robert Knight

A day doesn’t pass without more striking evidence that our ruling elites are not only evil but unhinged.

Take Yale Law School’s, Ian Ayres. In a column for Thursday’s Washington Post, Mr. Ayres announced that he would initially address all students as “they” this school year instead of using singular pronouns. This is “less likely to cause offense than using harmful stereotypes to guess at someone’s pronouns,” he explained.

By “harmful stereotypes,” he means common-sense clues to gender, such as body type, clothing, voice, makeup, hair, and so on.… Continue Reading

Speech Police and ‘Safe Spaces’

Written by L. Brent Bosell III

Freedom of speech is in the First Amendment for a reason. Freedom begins with the ability to speak your opinion without fear of censorship or violent reprisal or imprisonment. This is a precious human right, not something that most countries in the world revere like we have. But here in America, free speech is most dangerously under attack in the one place you would not expect: the universities.

Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla have created a new documentary on the subject called “No Safe Spaces.”… Continue Reading

Coddling College Campuses and a Crippled Culture

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Summer is over. School has started. Students from coast to coast have returned to their college campuses, and the nation waits with bated breath as to what will happen next.

Will the self-absorbed snowflake insanity persist? Will you continue to hear cries of “you offended me” and “trigger warnings” in the halls of the academy? Will the demands for “safe spaces” continue to trump the study of science? Will the fixation on “micro-aggressions” continue to be more important than teaching morality?… Continue Reading