Posts tagged: Willie Geist

The Polarizing Media Decries Polarization

Written by Tim Graham

We have witnessed two years of journalism centered around the notion that the Republican Party was a collective of violent election-denying rioters and Jim Crow segregationists trying to suppress the black vote. Somehow, journalists find it shocking that the country is polarized.

On “Sunday Today,” NBC reporter Hallie Jackson announced that their latest polling showed “80% of voters in both parties think the other side is going to destroy America. And our pollsters say many people are being driven to cast their ballots this year out of anger, out of fear.”… Continue Reading

Why is Any Christian Surprised by Buttigieg’s Depraved Abortion Comments?

Written by Peter Heck

I’ve been surprised at the number of Christians who appear stunned that Mayor Pete Buttigieg made startlingly depraved remarks regarding the intentional murder of full-term babies in their mothers’ wombs.

If you missed it, it happened on Morning Joe when co-host Willie Geist explained that while religious conservatives were intrigued by Buttigieg, they could not get past his support for the heinous act of third-term abortion.  In response, Mayor Pete put together a word salad of heartlessness:

The way I explain this and it’s something that I think any pro-choice candidate from a conservative state faces, and that is I respect and understand where others are coming from.

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