Written by Daniel Horowitz
No, we are not celebrating Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Woodrow Wilson, or Millard Fillmore this week. We are supposed to be celebrating George Washington. In other words, we are not celebrating the majestic power of the chief executive of the United States government in the abstract, but the humble leadership of one man who, until recently, successfully set the precedent of the presidency being wielded as an office of limited power rather than the power of a king.… Continue Reading
Tags: Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, Barack Obama, Benjamin West, Calvin Coolidge, COVID–19, Federalist #69, Federalist #70, George Washington, James Wilson, Joe Biden, Millard Fillmore, Presidents' Day, Uniform Monday Holiday Act, Whiskey Rebellion, Woodrow Wilson
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
February 17, 2021 5:34 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
The hallmark of a first-world country is not that violence never occurs within its borders, but that once it does, the damage is mitigated immediately and the perpetrators are punished and future criminals deterred. Yet here we are, over 80 days into this national insurrection by terrorist groups like Back Lives Matter and Antifa, and there is no end in sight.… Continue Reading
Tags: Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Cantwell v. Connecticut, death to America, Donald J. Trump, Insurrection Act, Kenosha, Militia Act of 1792, racketeering, Ulysses Grant, Washington Post, Whiskey Rebellion
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
September 4, 2020 5:52 AM |
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