Posts tagged: Walgreens

Looting As a Way of Life

Written by Robert Knight

Karl Marx’s famous prescription for economic equity is “from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.”

A more honest version is “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” which takes brute force in most cases.

This is the ethos of the radicalized Democratic Party, whose mantra is centralized power and redistribution of wealth. The street version is called “looting,” but that word aptly summarizes their entire agenda.

This is the ethos of the radicalized Democratic Party, whose mantra is centralized power and redistribution of wealth.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: They Don’t Want Women to Hear This

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

Earlier this month, Monte Larrick attended the Pro-Life Action League’s protest against Walgreens and CVS pharmacies because they have started to offer the sale of the abortion drug, Mifepriston, also known as RU 486. It works by blocking the activity of progesterone, a substance your body makes to help continue pregnancy.

This “medication” is used in combination with misoprostol to cause a pregnant mother to miscarry her baby as late as 12 weeks along.… Continue Reading