Posts tagged: Trans-ideology

SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Michelle Cretella on the “Trans” Ideology Menace

Written by David E. Smith

Our first Spotlight of December features a portion of a presentation given by Dr. Michelle Cretella at the 2019 Illinois Family Institute Worldview Conference on “Trans” Ideology. Dr. Cretella discusses the differences between true, biological science, which supports pro-life and pro-family propositions, and the anti-science cult of gender ideology, which is preached by mainstream medicine, psychiatry, public and private education systems, and social and mass media.

Dr. Cretella also addresses the serious implications of the transgender movement: erasure of parents’ rights, women’s rights, and religious freedom; establishment of gender identity as a protected class; as well as potential legal action that awaits anyone who persists in using “discriminatory” language, i.e.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: “The Sanity of Insurrection” by Pastor Doug Wilson

Written by Benjamin Smith

This edition of IFA Spotlight features Pastor Douglas Wilson. His presentation at the March 2019 Worldview Conference on “Trans” Ideology is simply amazing. His talk, is not limited to the transgender issue, however; it covers the culture war as a whole.

The Reverend Douglas Wilson is a conservative reformed and evangelical theologian, pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, faculty member at New Saint Andrews College, and prolific author and speaker.… Continue Reading

What’s the Deal with Illinois GOP Lawmakers?

Written by Laurie Higgins

Do you want to know why we’re in the cultural mess we’re in with sexually integrated private spaces and taxpayer-funding of human slaughter? Cowardice–cowardice masquerading as shrewd (i.e., unprincipled) political pragmatism.

In Jeanne Ives, we have one of the finest Republican candidates running for governor in decades. If we designed the perfect Republican candidate, Ives would be it. She’s conservative on all issues–from social to fiscal. She’s principled and courageous. If your Republican state rep.… Continue Reading