Posts tagged: PBS

The Invisible President Lies Without Consequence

Written by Tim Graham

Joe Biden may still hold the office of President of the United States, but the media are treating him like he’s anything but a newsmaker. For much of Biden’s presidency, reporters were much more energized to cover the apparent menace of Donald Trump than agitate the officials that were always hiding Biden. Now he seems invisible.

On Dec. 15, the president spoke to a Democratic National Committee holiday party. Any reporter would expect a pep talk, with all the echoes of “we’ll get them next time.”… Continue Reading

Inflammatory PBS Warns About Trump’s Rhetoric

Written by Tim Graham

PBS isn’t for the “public.” It’s taxpayer-funded content for Democrats.

Last September, when President Joe Biden gave a nasty speech in front of a blood-red backdrop at Independence Hall, proclaiming, “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic,” PBS streamed this harsh rhetoric live with no “explanatory” text on screen for charges the Republicans are authoritarians.

But on June 13, when Trump spoke in New Jersey after being arraigned in Florida, the PBS livestream felt inexorably compelled to insert opinions on screen.… Continue Reading

Congressional Hearings About Team Biden Die in Darkness

Written by Tim Graham

The easiest layup in proving the “mainstream media” is hyperpartisan is to study how they cover congressional hearings. After two years of obsessive media promotion and congratulation and live coverage of the Pelosi-picked panel on Jan. 6, the network “newscasts” can’t locate a hearing now with two hands.

On March 1, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee questioned Biden administration Attorney General Merrick Garland for the first time in the new Congress. The hearing was not devoid of newsworthiness.… Continue Reading

The Press Is Infrastructure for Biden

Written by Tim Graham

U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) came under blistering attack from Washington Post scribe Aaron Blake for having wondered whether President Joe Biden is really in charge, since he’s kept an extremely low profile with the press. Blake took after the senator for implying the Trump spin that old Joe has lost a few mental gears and is something of a “Manchurian Candidate.” “It’s a baseless and ugly bit of innuendo,” Blake wrote.… Continue Reading