Posts tagged: Patriotism

Indicted for Being American (Self Evident #53)

In this episode, Jenna, Alyssa, and Eliana are honored to interview Chaplain Steven Lee and his attorney, David Shestokas. Pastor Lee is currently under indictment (along with former President Donald Trump and others) from the state of Georgia for “interfering and tampering” with the 2020 presidential election.

To support reverend Lee, consider donating to his givesendgo fund.

Self Evident
Self Evident
Indicted for Being American (Self Evident #53)
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How Christianity Has Advanced Freedom & Equality for All

Written by Dr. John D. Wilsey

Everywhere we look, we see confidence in the American experience on the wane. A recent Wall Street Journal/NORC poll found that patriotism has declined among Americans from 70% to 38% since 1997. Part of the explanation for that alarming trend is how the left creates a narrative that America is inherently a racist and oppressive nation.

Furthermore, that narrative has asserted that Christianity is a harmful religion, creating division, violence, misogyny and justifying slavery.… Continue Reading

A Widening Love-My-Country Gap From Dems

Written by Chad Groening

Longtime conservative activist Gary Bauer is concerned about the growing patriotism gap between the two major political parties in America.

A recent Gallup poll found that fewer Democrats are proud to be Americans.

The survey, conducted in March 2017, revealed 67 percent of Democrats are “extremely proud” or “very proud” to be Americans; that compares to 78 percent in 2016.

There was little change among Republicans and Independents. In fact, the survey shows Republicans’ pride at 92 percent.… Continue Reading

New Low of 52% “Extremely Proud” to Be Americans


Written by Jeffrey Jones

As the nation prepares to celebrate Independence Day, 52% of U.S. adults say they are “extremely proud” to be Americans, a new low in Gallup’s 16-year trend. Americans’ patriotism spiked after 9/11, peaking at 70% in 2003, but has declined since, including an eight-percentage-point drop in early 2005 and a five-point drop since 2013.

Trend: How proud are you to be an American -- extremely proud, very proud, moderately proud, only a little proud or not at all proud?

Americans’ declining patriotism is likely related to broader dissatisfaction with the way things are going in the U.S.Continue Reading