Posts tagged: New York Magazine

Trump’s Critics Can’t Have It Both Ways

Written by David Limbaugh

The left’s position on the nation’s proper response to the pandemic, though shrouded in the language of compassion, is incoherent and morally repugnant virtue signaling.

Since this calamity began, many national Democratic leaders, the left-wing media and various never-Trumpers have been more interested in smearing President Donald Trump — no change there — than helping to solve the myriad problems caused by the coronavirus.

They wanted it both ways. President Trump was doing too much, and he wasn’t doing enough.… Continue Reading

CNN is Proudly Morphing Into Lifetime Movie Network

Written by Peter Heck

I had forgotten the ad until I saw Erick Erickson’s tweet yesterday:

For those who don’t remember, back in 2017 CNN took a swipe at President Trump’s propensity to refer to them as fake news by creating an advertisement of a single apple on screen with a narrator reading this copy:

“This is an apple. Some people might try and tell you that it’s a banana. They might scream banana, banana, banana over and over and over again.

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Americans’ Goodness Outweighs Pockets of Anti-Christian Bigotry

Written by David Limbaugh

Though some deny it, many harbor a strong hostility toward Christians in our society, especially those who obediently wear their faith on their sleeves.

You know what they find worse than an outspoken evangelical Christian? An outspoken evangelical Christian who’s also an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump. Talk about a perfect storm of contemptibility!

Mike Lindell, owner of MyPillow, and the Rev. Franklin Graham fall squarely into this category.… Continue Reading

No, We’re Not All Socialists Now

Written by Jerry Newcombe

[Recently], the New York Post had an editorial about how many millennials embrace “socialism,” while not really knowing what it means:  “Millennials — ignorant of socialism’s appalling economic and human-rights history — increasingly embrace socialism and its naively unrealistic prescriptions for ending all human want.”

I’m reminded of a college student who wrote his dad: “Dear Dad, No mon. No fun. Your son.”

His dad wrote back: “Too bad. So sad. Your Dad.”… Continue Reading