Posts tagged: Max Boot

Media Know They Must Change. They Won’t…

Written by Peter Heck

The numbers speak for themselves. MSNBC is suffering through a ratings catastrophe as the disillusioned loyalists, who kept believing the network’s stable of left-wing hosts who continued to promise that Trump was an unelectable Hitler, have walked away.

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Widening Reality Gap Between Biden’s Elites And The ‘Working Class’

Written by Robert Knight

“Republicans finally have an issue on which they can legitimately criticize President Biden.”


Thus wrote “conservative” Washington Post columnist Max Boot about Mr. Biden’s Afghanistan disaster.  This implies that Mr. Boot has only now discovered a chink in Joe’s media-sealed, invisible armor.

Mr. Boot and like-minded elites are a bit disturbed by the Afghanistan debacle. But they are apparently fine with Mr. Biden’s sending gasoline prices soaring and abandoning the defense of our southern border.… Continue Reading