Posts tagged: Kristan Hawkins

GOP Fails Pro-Life Voters by Refusing to Defund Planned Parenthood

Written by Carly Hoilman

As the final weeks of the GOP-controlled Congress draw to a close, pro-life voters look on with great disappointment at the Republican politicians who failed to follow through on their most crucial promise: to defund Planned Parenthood. In about a month, Democrats will take over the U.S. House of Representatives and any hope of stripping the abortion giant of federal funding will pass away.

With precious little time left in the lame-duck session, GOP congressional leaders have chosen to ignore the persistent urgings of pro-life leaders.Continue Reading

A Bad Couple of Weeks for Pre-Born Americans Thanks to Republicans

Written by John Biver

It hasn’t been a good couple of weeks for the pre-born in America. Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed HB 40, allowing for taxpayer funding of abortions. In Washington, D.C., Republicans still haven’t gotten their act together regarding their promised defunding of Planned Parenthood.

Here is Dr. Susan Berry writing a rather simple sentence:

Republicans have presented themselves to Americans as a pro-life party, and promised to defund Planned Parenthood once they had control of the House, the Senate, and the White House.

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Marco Announces Dignity of Life Advisory Board


This morning, the Marco Rubio for President campaign is excited to announce the formation of Marco Rubio’s Dignity of Life Advisory Board. Marco personally and deeply believes that all human life is worthy of the protection of our laws. This is not a political issue for him, it’s a question of basic human rights. As he strives to uphold the fundamental principle that every life has inherent dignity as a unique being created in the Image of God he seeks guidance from experts who are committed to the same.… Continue Reading