Posts tagged: Ken Blackwell

The ACLU’s Transparent Attack on the Election Integrity Panel

Written by Robert Knight

If you don’t think the Left is terrified by the prospect of clean voter rolls, you might not have heard about the latest ploy by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

The ACLU has sued President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, charging them with violating federal “transparency” laws.

The suit is a bald attempt to halt the panel’s mission, which is to examine the prevalence of vote fraud in America and to recommend ways to secure the election process.… Continue Reading

Trump Will Enact ‘Morally Sound’ Religious Freedom Policy, Says Ken Blackwell

Written by Samuel Smith

A key member of President Donald Trump‘s transition team says it’s only a matter of time before the president and his administration enact a policy, perhaps an executive order, protecting religious freedoms.

Ken Blackwell, who served as the chief domestic policy advisor to the Trump transition team, told The Christian Post during a conference call Thursday that it’s not a matter of “if” but “when” the Trump administration will enact a policy to protect religious liberties.… Continue Reading

Kasich’s Chances? As Good as Anybody’s


Conservative political pundits are weighing in on John Kasich’s chances in the heavy-traffic race for the GOP presidential nomination.

Written by Chad Groening

With Tuesday’s announcement at The Ohio State University, Governor Kasich becomes the 16th and perhaps final Republican to officially enter the 2016 presidential sweepstakes. He enters the race with an impressive resume – a successful governor handily elected to a second term, and a former congressman who worked on foreign policy matters. But a number of analysts believe the Ohio governor waited too long, as he is only polling at 1.5 percent in a RealClearPolitics average of GOP presidential polls.… Continue Reading