Written by Dr. Everette Piper
[Last] week William E. Wolfe, former deputy assistant secretary of the Department of Defense in the Trump administration, tweeted: “The data makes [it] very clear. The continuing increase of younger generations identifying as LGBTQIA+ is an inorganic, manufactured social contagion spread by social media.”
While many of us may be at the front of the line of tens of thousands (and hopefully more) who eagerly agree with Mr. Wolfe’s characterization of what he then describes as a “nation in moral free fall,” there is one basic question we should all be asking: “Manufactured social contagion; absolutely, but why don’t we just call it what it is — sin?”… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
This past week I was contacted by a reporter from the Religion News Service. His reason for calling me was to get my views concerning critical race theory. He wanted to know why I opposed it.
I told the reporter that I am against CRT because it is the exact opposite of the Gospel of Christ. “How so?” he asked.
“Well,” I said, “First of all, CRT is grounded in revenge.… Continue Reading
Tags: Amber Guyger, Brandt Jean, but It’s Good, critical race theory, God's grace, Grow Up! Life Isn’t Safe, intersectionality, John Newton, Martin Luther, Religion News Service
Faith & Religion | David E. Smith |
January 18, 2022 12:00 PM |
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Written by Peter Heck
One of the most remarkable stories you’ll read is that of John Newton, author of the globally famous song Amazing Grace. Newton was a slave ship captain who repented of his sins, became a minister, and whose personal testimonies of the horrors of the slave trade were used effectively by the great William Wilberforce to prosecute the practice before Parliament.
But here’s what few people realize about Newton’s life: his conversion to Christ did not lead to his immediate deliverance from the life of a slave trader. … Continue Reading