Posts tagged: Jerry Falwell Jr.

If You Vote For A Godless Man, You Are Asking For Tyranny


Written by Matt Walsh

It’s very simple. If a man has no moral center, if he has ambition but no faith, if he does not demonstrate humility or integrity, I will never vote for him for president. I don’t care who he is, what he’s done, what he says, or what positions he holds. None of that will matter when we are living under his tyranny, and tyranny is sure to follow when you give unspeakable power to a man who believes he is God.… Continue Reading

Jesus Joins the NRA


Written by Matt Barber

“Hillary is a liar.”

This was Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.’s response to Sean Hannity when asked about Hillary Clinton’s disgusting, and completely out-of-context, charge that he committed treason by encouraging LU students to defend themselves should Muslim terrorists, like the “San Bernardino Two,” ever attack Liberty University. Clinton, a woman intimately familiar with the elements of treason, made her defamatory accusation on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”Continue Reading