Posts tagged: Jeb Bush

LGBTQ Lauds Jeb Bush’s Stand for SSM Ruling


Written by Michael G. Haverluck

Former Florida governor and prospective 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush might have moved himself further away from the conservative voters he’s been trying to woo by inserting himself in the middle of Florida’s recent courtroom chaos, urging Floridians to “respect the rule of the law” recently changed by a pro-“gay” activist judge to legalize same-sex “marriage.”

The ruling on same-sex marriage by Florida District Court Judge Robert Lewis Hinkle was interpreted this month by state officials as allowing the union that was formerly banned by Florida’s traditional marriage amendment, which protected marriage as only between one man and one woman.… Continue Reading

I Am No Longer a Republican  


Written by J. Matt Barber

I am no longer a Republican. John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and their Democrat-lite, RINO Republican establishment have seen to that. They have betrayed their own constituents. They have actively turned against the American people – the very voters who granted them power to do good.

Even before the gavel has sounded on the Republican-led 114th Congress, these treacherous cowards shamelessly, eagerly, it seems, squandered perhaps the one opportunity they had to stop, in his tracks, America’s first cultural Marxist, anti-American, palpably evil president.… Continue Reading

NOT Jeb Bush


Written by Chad Groening

A conservative icon says while it appears many in the establishment GOP are already rallying around Jeb Bush as their choice for 2016, he thinks it would be better to nominate a “good, principled conservative” to run against someone like Hillary Clinton.

During a recent luncheon in San Antonio, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he has “nudged” former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (above) to run for president in 2016. Bush has already indicated he is considering a run; and both his brother, George W.Continue Reading