Posts tagged: Jan Schakowsky

Democrats Leap Into the Abyss of Hypocrisy

Written by Laurie Higgins

Just when you thought Leftists couldn’t be more cynical, hypocritical, dishonest, tyrannical, and cruel, they step up to prove you wrong. When Democrats, by whatever janky standards they’ve made up, think Republicans have gone “low,” they–that is, Democrats–dive headlong into the abyss of hypocrisy and nastiness.

They’ve been doing their theatrical performative best to argue that the attack on the Capitol is particularly heinous because of the building’s symbolic significance—which, of course, it has.… Continue Reading

Canada, Big Brother, and a U.S. Congressional Race

Written by Laurie Higgins

Bear with me while I weave together some disparate threads into a whole cloth.

First up is a frightening story from Canada—the “progressive” dreamscape in which Big Brother rules with an iron fist, censoring, indoctrinating, usurping parental rights, and threatening imprisonment of anyone who claims 2 + 2 = 4. This story should serve as a warning to Republicans in the United States.

Robert Hoogland, father of a now 15-year-old daughter, is living in the “progressive” dreamscape otherwise known as a living nightmare.… Continue Reading

Democratic Party Candidates for Illinois Governor: J.B. Pritzker

Written by John Biver

J. B. Pritzker is a billionaire venture capitalist, philanthropist and attorney from Chicago–and as of a few days ago, he is an announced candidate for governor of Illinois. He is heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune and a guy who can compete with millionaire Chris Kennedy when it comes to campaign dollars. In fact, Pritzker has said that he will self-fund.

Pritzker, 52 years old, is estimated to be worth about $3.4 billion dollars.… Continue Reading

Planned Parenthood’s Golden Boy

Written by John Kirkwood

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted;
the indifference of those who should have known better;
the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most;
that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”
~Haile Selassie

When it comes to the voice of pro-life leaders and legislators in Illinois, it’s not a cat that’s got their tongue, it’s an 800-pound elephant named Bruce Rauner.… Continue Reading