Posts tagged: Islamic jihad terrorists

The Brooklyn Shooting And The Rise of Black Nationalism

Written by Daniel Horowitz

You can’t blame the FBI for seemingly missing every mass shooter or domestic terrorist. After all, the bureau is stretched thin hatching kidnapping plots in Michigan, investigating garage door ropes, and finding anyone who was within a half a mile of the Capitol on January 6. But what about those who are obsessed with white supremacism? Aren’t they the least bit concerned that most of the recent mass casualty shootings and domestic terror attacks appear to be committed by black nationalists?… Continue Reading

No, Don Lemon, the Facts Show Jihadists Are the Biggest Terror Threat

Written by Robert Spencer

CNN’s Don Lemon has found himself in the middle of a controversy for claiming, in the wake of a shooting in a Kentucky supermarket, that “the biggest terror threat in this country is white men.” When criticized, Lemon doubled down, claiming that “the evidence is overwhelming.”

It isn’t.

Ironically, Lemon began his venture into counterterror analysis by saying: “I keep trying to point out to people not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity.”

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