Posts tagged: Invest in Kids

Dennis Tipsword Earns IFA’s Endorsement!

IFA Staff Reports

We were very impressed with his presentation and the question and answer session with Woodford County Chief Deputy Sheriff Dennis Tipsword, Jr.  Not only does he have 27 years of law enforcement background, with a specialty in drug interdiction, he owns three small businesses, including an ammunitions machine shop.

Dennis is passionate on the right to life, ethics in government, responsible spending, and preserving Second Amendment rights to protect our families. His experience as a police officer also informs his opposition to the expanded “comprehensive” sex education mandate which, in our opinion, is nothing more than grooming innocent and vulnerable children for early sexual activity.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Defying Scriptural Hierarchies in Every Way Possible

Written by Benjamin Smith

For better or worse, the Illinois General Assembly is back in session and a plethora of controversial, radical, and just plain ridiculous bills are scheduled for consideration. Monte Larrick and David Smith are joined by Jenna Smith, David’s oldest daughter, as they discuss the compelling reasons to retain the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Jenna shares her perspective as an older teen and articulates the devastating mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences that could impact young girls (17-years and younger) if parental notification is repealed.… Continue Reading

Illinois Polling Data Reveals Common Sense Values

Written By Calvin Lindstrom

In early March 2021, IFI partnered with several other groups to commission a poll of 600 registered Illinois voters who were not employed by any political campaign. Nine questions were asked of the respondents along with eight demographic questions. The results are enlightening.

Of those surveyed only 34% attended church weekly or more than once a week. In terms of political affiliation, 42% identified as Democrat, 20% Independent, and 32% Republican. And in terms of race, Hispanics comprised 6%, blacks 14%, and whites 75% of those polled, which reflects Illinois population demographics*.… Continue Reading