Written by Nancy Hayes
On November 8th of last year, Illinoisans went to the polls and voted on Amendment 1. This constitutional amendment passed on an official vote from Illinois citizens with a total of 2,212,999 yeses to 1,555,929 nos.
What is Amendment 1?
Amendment 1 is a proposed constitutional amendment that adds a new “constitutional right” for government workers to organize and collectively bargain. According to Wirepoints, Amendment 1 “cemented public sector union powers into the State Constitution.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam Niemerg, Amendment 1, Blaine Wilhour, Brad Halbrook, Cause of America, Chicagoland Operators Joint Labor Management PAC, Chris Miller, Constitutional Ballot, Don Harmon, Friends of John Curran, IBEW Local 701 PAC, Illinois Federation Teachers COPE, Illinois Freedom Alliance, Illinois Retired Teachers Association PAC, Illinois State Board of Elections, IUOE Local 399 Political Education Fund, Jim Durkin, John Curran, LIUNA Chicago Labors District Council PAC, Nancy Hayes, public union, Tony McCombie, WirePoints
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
March 21, 2023 4:00 AM |
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Written by Nancy Hayes
In 2020, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) wrote an article about voter rolls in America. On the heels of the Democrat’s push for vote by mail, their research revealed a large number of deceased registrants still on the voter rolls. It’s no wonder many Americans, let alone those in Illinois, don’t have much confidence in the system. After all, it would seem that if we could get rid of dead voters still on the rolls, eliminate duplicate registrants, or remove those who have moved, we would gain more confidence in the system.… Continue Reading
Tags: Cheryl Hobson, Deceased Registrations, deceased voters, Help America Vote Act, Illinois State Board of Elections, Kyle Thomas, Motor Voter Law, National Voter Registration Act of 1993, Public Interest Legal Foundation, Social Security Death Index, Steve Sandvoss, Voting Rights Act
Illinois Politics, Voter Integrity | David E. Smith |
February 22, 2023 11:59 AM |
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Written by Kristi Shaffer
The right to vote is nearly sacred in the United States. Elections are closely monitored for an accurate count and assurance that the voices of the people are heard. At least that is the intended outcome of the election process, but, far too often, things go awry. Many of us watched back-and-forth recounts, audits, and legal battles in various states over the 2020 presidential election. However, there was a battle right here in Illinois for election legitimacy of which few were aware.… Continue Reading
Tags: David J. Shestokas, Discovery Recount, Election integrity, Illinois Attorney General, Illinois Conservative Union, Illinois State Board of Elections, JB Pritker, Jim Root, Josh Turner, Kwame Raoul, Macon County Sheriff, mail-in ballots, National Voters Registration Act, Tony Brown, Verified Election Contest Petition, Voter Fraud
Illinois Politics, Voter Integrity | David E. Smith |
January 3, 2022 6:51 AM |
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Written by Jenna Smith
If you are interested in ensuring election integrity and eliminating voter fraud, you will certainly want to listen to this edition of Spotlight. Joining Monte Larrick on the podcast is David J. Shestokas, a former Cook County State’s Attorney and current Republican candidate for Illinois Attorney General. In his position as counsel for Illinois Conservative Union (ICU), Shestokas is uniquely qualified to address the federal lawsuit ICU has filed against the Illinois State Board of Elections, as well as discuss various violations of the National Voter Registration Act and problems with mail-in balloting.… Continue Reading