Posts tagged: Illinois Christian Home Educators

SPOTLIGHT: Overflowing With Hope: A Conversation With Kirk Smith

Written by Jenna Smith

In this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick has an interesting conversation with Kirk Smith, executive director of the Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE). Over the weekend of May 20th, ICHE hosted their annual homeschool conference at Olivet Nazarene University where families were not only encouraged to educate their children academically, but educate them spiritually.

When asked about the difference between public school and home school, Smith points out that children in government systems are often being taught anti-Christian morals and deceptive worldly philosophies.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Culture Proofing Your Kids

Written by David E. Smith

In this episode of Spotlight, Self Evident’s Jenna Smith interviews Will and Meeke Addison. This power couple hosts a a daily radio/podcast program focused on Marriage, Family and the Church titled “Airing the Addisons” on American Family Radio.

Will and Meeke were keynote speakers at this year’s Illinois Christian Home Educators conference, where they spoke on the vital importance of discipling your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and the opportunities homeschooling provides: “We see [homeschooling] as an opportunity to pour in our children and make them culture proof.”… Continue Reading

“It’s Not Education, It’s Perversion” (Illinois Family Spotlight #256)

Kirk Smith, executive director of Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE), wonders what will be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back – the backs of Christian parents, even the backs of moral, non-Christian parents – when it comes to deciding to leave the cesspool of government schools? Will it be the recently passed legislation that requires availability of feminine hygiene products in both female and male school restrooms or will it be the mandate to teach hardcore sex education to public school students as early as kindergarten?… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Always Late to the Party

Written by Benjamin Smith

The 2019 Illinois Christian Home Educators Family Conference (ICHE) in Bourbonnais was the setting for Monte Larrick’s recent interview with ICHE executive director, Kirk Smith. At the start, Smith details the reasons for a new venue and new focus – the importance of the family unit – for the conference.

The conversation moves on to the problem of government overstepping their jurisdiction in public, private, and home education and the imperative for families and the Church to proactively engage in the culture wars.… Continue Reading

“Raising the Next Generation of Culture Warriors” (Illinois Family Spotlight #103)

This edition of Spotlight features Monte Larrick’s interview with Kirk Smith, the Executive Director of Illinois Christian Home Educators.

They explore the growth of home education throughout the nation, homeschooling in the great state of Illinois, how christian home education is changing public schools, Smith’s concern with the evolution of homeschooling in Illinois, and how ICHE can help you begin to home educate your child.

They also consider the claim that christian home educators’ goal is to bring up a generation of culture warriors for Jesus Christ, and how homeschooling benefits the state of Illinois.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Homeschooling in the State of Illinois

Written by Benjamin Smith

In the spotlight this week is Kirk Smith, the Executive Director of the Illinois Christian Home Educators. Kirk graduated from Greenville College, teaching and coaching for two years at the high school level before founding the House of Prayer church in Albion, IL, which he pastored for almost 25 years. Kirk and his wife Joely live in Bone Gap with their 11 children who range in age from toddler to young adult.… Continue Reading

Homeschooling in the State of Illinois (Spotlight #043)

Written by Benjamin Smith

In the spotlight this week is Kirk Smith, the Executive Director of the Illinois Christian Home Educators. Kirk graduated from Greenville College, teaching and coaching for two years at the high school level before founding the House of Prayer church in Albion, IL, which he pastored for almost 25 years. Kirk and his wife Joely live in Bone Gap with their 11 children who range in age from toddler to young adult.… Continue Reading