Posts tagged: HB 3735

Springfield Pro-Family Update (Spotlight #037)

Illinois lawmakers are back in Springfield after a two-week break, and only have six weeks before they are scheduled to adjourn for the summer.  Monte and Dave discuss pending legislation with IFI lobbyist, Ralph Rivera, the only full-time pro-family lobbyist in Springfield.

Take ACTION! Please call your state rep and ask them to vote NO to each of these bills.

HB 40 — reinstates taxpayer-funded abortions for Medicaid recipients and adds abortion coverage in state employees’ insurance plans.… Continue Reading

“Anti-Life Forces Are At It Again”(Illinois Family Spotlight #034)

On this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight Monte Larrick interviews Eric Scheidler, the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League. Eric provides assistance to local pro-life leaders throughout the country in organizing public pro-life witness, earning media coverage, working with police, and confronting abortion providers. Monte and Eric discuss 2 pieces of legislation in Springfield as well as a few other pro-life issues.

HB 3735 says counselors who are convicted of “intimidation” against pregnant mothers and staff members entering the abortion clinic, will be subject to longer prison stays and/or fines.… Continue Reading