Posts tagged: HB 2495

Deceitful Lawmakers Seek to Silence Pro-Life Opposition

Written by Laurie Higgins

The stench from the swamp-dredged resolution sponsored by our Big Brothers and Sisters in Springfield and titled “Illinois Family Action-Hate Speech,” hangs over the General Assembly stinkin’ up the joint. For those unaware, this is the pernicious resolution riddled with bigoted language, non sequiturs, red herrings, and outright lies and intended to diminish the rights of IFI and IFA and other social conservatives to speak freely, assemble, and petition our government for the redress of grievances.… Continue Reading

Do Democrat Politicians Prefer Dead Babies?

Written by Abigail Ruth

There has been a significant amount of howling among Democrats and even some Republicans since IFA posted an article written by Teri Paulson last week that had to be retitled, “Why is Legalized Abortion Called a Holocaust?” Briefly,  Illinois Family was accused of “hate speech,” “inappropriate behavior,” “trivializing the memory of Holocaust victims,” and “promoting violence,” to name a few.

No one who complained actually addressed the core issue of whether or not there really is a moral difference between killing people based on their ethnicity (e.g.,… Continue Reading