Written by John Lopez
The January 3, 2022 announcement by 15-term U.S. Representative Bobby Rush (D-Chicago) he would not seek another term in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022 created an open seat in the 1st Congressional District (IL-01) for the first time since the resignation of Congressman Harold Washington after his election as Chicago mayor in 1983.
This Congressional District stretches from the Chicago Loop, into the Southside including Hyde Park and the University of Chicago, into the South Suburbs of Cook County and stretches into most of Will County and into Kankakee County, as far south as the village of Bourbonnais.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam Kinzinger, Bobby Rush, David Lombardo, Donald Trump, Eric Carlson, Geno Young, Gretchen Fritz, Harold Washington, On Target Radio Show, Philanise White, QAnon conspiracy theory
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
February 17, 2022 3:11 PM |
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Written by Russ Stewart
The “Laquan McDonald Monster” has surfaced, and unlike the Loch Ness Monster, it is tangible, palpable and deadly. Those 16 bullets will be remembered by black voters in 2016, and a torrent of rage — and votes — will be directed in the March 15, 2016, Democratic primary against both Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez and any non-black candidates closely associated with Mayor Rahm Emanuel and police superintendent Garry McCarthy.
Over the past 50 years, there have been periodic “galvanizing” moments among local black voters, precipitating an electoral eruption and the defeat of candidates deemed hostile.… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrea Zopp, Anita Alvarez, Barack Obama, Barb McGowan, Bernie Carey, Black Panthers, Christian Mitchell, Cook County, Donna More, Dorothy Brown, Ed Burke Jr., Ed Hanrahan, Election 2016, Garry McCarthy, Harold Washington, Hillary Clinton, Jane Byrne, Jason Van Dyke, Joe Berrios, Josina Morita, Karen Yarbrough, Ken Dunkin, Kim Foxx, Laquan McDonald, Mariyana Spyropoulos, Michelle Harris, Mike Madigan, Richard M. Daley, Roderick Sawyer, Todd Stroger, Tom Dart, Tom Greenhaw, Toni Preckwinkle
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
December 10, 2015 7:21 AM |
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