Posts tagged: gender confusion

What Can a Christian Do When Up is Down, Right is Wrong, Regressive is Progressive, Boy is Girl?

Written by Peter Heck

The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome begins with an indictment of the corruption surrounding them that is chilling in its parallels to contemporary American society.  If you doubt me, go read Romans 1, verses 21 through 32, and just try to pretend it isn’t as though Paul is writing a response to our frontpage headlines.

I find myself being drawn back to this passage nearly every time I go to write on the most recent pop culture trend or societal debacle brought on by Orwellian-named progressivism.  … Continue Reading

Federal Bathroom Wars


Written by David E. Smith

Insanity! On the heels of Target’s ridiculous bathroom policy to allow gender-confused men to have full access to women’s bathrooms in their stores, Barack Obama and his administration decided to issue a federal mandate requiring all public schools in the nation to comply with similar radical co-ed restroom policies. These absurd policies ignore the privacy and safety needs of the vast majority to accommodate the absurd wishes of a few.

The fact is, males and females are created different yet are of equal and infinite value and worth.… Continue Reading