Posts tagged: Dean Obeidallah

Living In The Liberal Media’s ‘Twilight Zone’

Written by Robert Knight

We’re so far beyond media bias that we’ve entered the Twilight Zone, where nothing is as it seems.

Imagine, if you will, a secure border.  You can because the media are blacking out the reality. Hundreds of thousands of illegals are streaming into the United States and are being bused around the country. Despite the extreme severity of the crisis and its implications for America’s future, TV network coverage of the border has plummeted 96 percent since March, according to the Media Research Center.… Continue Reading

Americans’ Goodness Outweighs Pockets of Anti-Christian Bigotry

Written by David Limbaugh

Though some deny it, many harbor a strong hostility toward Christians in our society, especially those who obediently wear their faith on their sleeves.

You know what they find worse than an outspoken evangelical Christian? An outspoken evangelical Christian who’s also an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump. Talk about a perfect storm of contemptibility!

Mike Lindell, owner of MyPillow, and the Rev. Franklin Graham fall squarely into this category.… Continue Reading