Posts tagged: Clarence Thomas

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Calls Out the Smithsonian


Written by Chris Pandolfo

United States Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is calling on the leaders of the Smithsonian Institution to include a fair portrayal of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas‘ legacy in the museum’s “Making a Way Out of No Way” exhibit.

The Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture opened to great fanfare in September, but drew fire from the Right for excluding Justice Thomas — just the second African-American to sit on the U.S.… Continue Reading

Who Would Trump Appoint to the U.S. Supreme Court?

Written by Frank Cannon 

Donald Trump says a lot of things. We’ve become all too used to that now. Some of these things should probably be taken with a grain of salt — “Only Rosie O’Donnell” comes to mind — but some deserve to be analyzed more closely.

Here’s an example. Remember Trump’s discussion about U.S. Supreme Court Justices back in August with Bloomberg Politics? Mark Halperin asked Trump, “Is there someone out there today who isn’t on the [Supreme Court], but say, this is the kind of person I would consider for the court?… Continue Reading