Posts tagged: Chris Rufo

“Leave The Kids Alone” Must Become a Cross-Cultural Demand of The Sane

Written by Peter Heck

A month or so ago, I wrote about the new acronym I’m pushing: LTKA – Leave the Kids Alone. I’m an LTKA activist, and the number of things that concern those of us who champion this movement continue to grow.

Don’t get me wrong: Christians were warning that this assault on the innocence of young people was always part of the left’s agenda. You don’t champion someone like Alfred Kinsey and not have wicked intent when it comes to young people.… Continue Reading

Public Schools Are Grooming Your Children

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On April 9, Oklahoma State University hosted a “drag queen story hour” for children as young as 2 years old on its campus. The event was part of the university’s “Pride 2022” celebration. A description for the program stated two drag performers would read books to all attendees and that the drag queen story hour was geared toward children between the ages of 2 to 8, but that “all ages [were] welcome to join in on the fun.”… Continue Reading