Posts tagged: Bryan Fischer

The Four Pillars of the D.C. Swamp: Part 2

Written by Walker Wildmon

There are four pillars of the Swamp in Washington, D.C. Each of these pillars works against the American people and President Trump’s agenda.

The legislative branch and judicial branch are the first two pillars; they are discussed here in Part 1 of this blog series. Each institution, in its original form, was created for good. Now, these once good institutions have been remade into something that has and continues to hurt our country.… Continue Reading

The Sexual Revolution and Cultural Marxism


Written by Eric Metaxas

Christians are sometimes accused of being “in denial,” especially when it comes to matters of sex. But after reading about a recent AIDS conference, I have to ask: Who’s really living in fantasy land?

At the recent UN international AIDS conference in South Africa, the actress Charlize Theron announced that HIV “has no biological preference for black bodies, for women’s bodies, for gay bodies . . . HIV is not just transmitted by sex,” she explained.… Continue Reading

Rubio Stumbles on Sexual Orientation — At What Cost?


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

Despite his opposition to legalization of same-sex “marriage,” Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio took a stand on the LGBT side of the argument Sunday, proclaiming that homosexuality is a biological condition — not a choice.

While being interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” the Florida senator addressed his stance on the legalization of same-sex marriage, arguing that the issue should not be resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court but by individual states.… Continue Reading