Written by Michael Haverluck
As crime escalates in some of America’s largest Democrat-run cities, politicians in the same party continue to press for defunding of law enforcement across the country. But according to recent nationwide poll, three-fourths of Americans would like to see additional police officers on the streets.
The latest USA Today/Ipsos poll revealed that President Joe Biden and Democrats are not pushing popular policy when it comes to Americans’ safety and well-being.
“In the survey, 7 in 10 supported increasing police department budgets; 77% said they would like additional police officers deployed on street patrols,” the USA Today/Ipsos poll disclosed.… Continue Reading
Written by Daniel Horowitz
Sadly, there is nothing new about the story of Darion Lafayette. A young black suspect with a long rap sheet who kills a cop with a gun he was able to purchase despite Illinois’ tough gun control measures — that is essentially the story of every major city. What is new, however, is that after the other cop in this deadly altercation was forced to kill Lafayette, the local media initially treated Lafayette as a martyr, despite the fact that the officer was justified by a mile.… Continue Reading
Tags: Black Lives Matter, Breitbart News, Caleb Livingston, Chris Oberheim, Darion Lafayette, Daunte Wright, Derek Chauvin, George Floyd, Jeffrey Creel, Jennifer LeMay, Jessica Kunz, Julia Rietz, KG Wilson, Trinity Ottonson-Smith, WCIA-TV
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
June 2, 2021 6:28 AM |
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