Posts tagged: Barney Frank

Looting As a Way of Life

Written by Robert Knight

Karl Marx’s famous prescription for economic equity is “from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.”

A more honest version is “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” which takes brute force in most cases.

This is the ethos of the radicalized Democratic Party, whose mantra is centralized power and redistribution of wealth. The street version is called “looting,” but that word aptly summarizes their entire agenda.

This is the ethos of the radicalized Democratic Party, whose mantra is centralized power and redistribution of wealth.… Continue Reading

At Religious Liberty Hearing, Democrats Unlikely Backers of Atlanta Fire Chief

Written by Kelsey Harkness

The story of the former Atlanta fire chief who was fired from his job after publishing a book that addressed marriage and sexuality from a biblical perspective took center stage at a hearing Tuesday on Capitol Hill, with witnesses from both sides of the aisle voicing disapproval of the city’s decision to terminate the decorated public servant.

“I wish we had a bill to protect him,” former U.S. Representative Barney Frank, a Democrat who represented Massachusetts’ 4th District, said of Chief Kelvin Cochran.… Continue Reading

Obamacrats Go for More While the Clock Is Ticking


Written by Robert Knight

Barack Obama has about nine months left as president, and his administration is working overtime to abuse current regulatory machinery and create new rules that will “transform” America beyond recognition without any say by Congress.

“Nearly 4,000 regulations are squirming their way through the federal bureaucracy in the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency,” Politico reported in January, “many costing industry more than $100 million — in a mad dash by the White House to push through government actions affecting everything from furnaces to gun sales to Guantánamo.”… Continue Reading