Written by David E. Smith
In a Special Election held yesterday, Illinois State Senator Darin LaHood (R-Peoria) easily won the Republican primary to replace disgraced Illinois politician Aaron Schock and the open Congressional seat in Illinois’ 18th district. The seat has been vacant since Schock resigned on March 17th.
LaHood beat libertarian Mike Flynn, a Breitbart News editor who has lived in the Washington area for the past two decades. According to the Peoria Journal-Star, LaHood won the special primary election “by more than a 2-to-1 margin.”… Continue Reading

From IllinoisReview.com
News out of the 18th CD Monday showed State Senator Darin LaHood’s bid to succeed resigned Congressman Aaron Schock solidifying as another potential GOP primary opponent dropped out and an unknown resident of Green Valley initiated a write-in bid.
Bloomington businessman Ed Brady, once considering a bid in the IL GOP special election primary endorsed LaHood.
“Darin LaHood has a proven record of being a fiscal conservative and supporting legislation that improves the business climate in Illinois, and I know he will continue that record in Washington,” said Brady.
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Written by IllinoisReview.com
Two state senators whose names emerged as possible Republican candidates to succeed resigning U.S. Representative Aaron Schock said they won’t be running in the special election to fill the 18th CD vacancy.
State Senator Bill Brady of Bloomington told WLS Wednesday morning he’s not interested in leaving his duties in Springfield and State Senator Jason Barickman* (R-Bloomington) said he too, would remain in the Illinois State Senate.
“Yesterday, I spoke with many supporters, and discussed this potential opportunity to serve with my family.… Continue Reading
Tags: Aaron Schock, Andy Manar, Bill Brady, Darin LaHood, David Koehler, Jason Barickman, John Sullivan, Michael Unes, Tom Demmer
Federal Issues, Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
March 19, 2015 4:00 AM |
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Written by David E. Smith
U.S. Representative Aaron Schock (R-Peoria) announced Tuesday that he would be resigning from Congress at the end of the month in the wake of six weeks of being peppered with questions regarding his lavish spending — including tens of thousands of dollars in mileage reimbursements he received for his personal vehicle.
Schock issued this statement:
“Today, I am announcing my resignation as a Member of the United States House of Representatives effective March 31st.
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