Posts tagged: 40 Days for Life

SPOTLIGHT: Prayer and Fasting to End Abortion? Really?

Written by David E. Smith

We start off our first Spotlight podcast of September with a timely conversation as Monte Larrick hosts Steve Karlen, North American Director of 40 Days for Life. This year’s 40 Days for Life campaign will run from September 26 through November 4.

The purpose of the campaign is “to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigils outside abortion centers to end abortion.” Steve stresses that prayer is the foundation of 40 Days for Life and the means by which God’s people are able to “overturn Roe v.Continue Reading

“Prayer and Fasting to End Abortion? Really?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #110)

This episode features an interview with Steve Karlen, the Campaign Director for 40 Days for Life. They discuss what makes 40 Days for Life so unique; reducing demand for abortion; pro-lifers relying too much on political influence; 40 Days for Life as a launching pad into pro-life activism; how important a pastoral endorsement of 40 Days for Life is; what skills you need to lead a 40 Days for Life campaign; what the indicator of a successful campaign is; and how to get involved.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: 40 Days for Life with Shawn Carney

Written by Mary Nieves

The pro-life movement is thriving now more than ever before, while the abortion industry is getting crushed.

In this special edition of the Illinois Spotlight podcast, Monte Larrick interviews Shawn Carney, President of 40 Days for Life, to talk about recent pro-life efforts and the upcoming 40 Days For Life campaign.

40 Days for Life is a sustained prayer vigil held in 675 cities around the world with this year’s record turnout of 375 cities praying outside of abortion clinics!… Continue Reading

BONUS: “40 Days For Life” (Illinois Family Spotlight #059)

Joining the discussion is Shawn Carney, the President of 40 Days For Life. Shawn began as a volunteer in the pro-life movement while still in college. During this time he helped to lead the first-ever local 40 Days for Life campaign. After graduating from college, Shawn was asked to serve as the Executive Director of the Coalition for Life, a local pro-life organization in Texas made up of more than 60 churches. From its beginning, Shawn has been instrumental in growing 40 Days for Life nationally and then internationally.… Continue Reading

Debunking and Defunding (Illinois Family Spotlight #011)


 Karen Hayes and Donna Melody of the 40 Days for Life campaign join Dave and Monte to discuss truths and myths about Planned Parenthood.  Later, the four discuss ways we can get involved to counter abortion, from our prayer bench to the voting booth.

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Debunking and Defunding (Illinois Family Spotlight #011)
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Campaigning for Life (Illinois Family Spotlight #010)

il_family-spotlight_125x125A two-part podcast about developments in the pro-life movement. First, Monte Larrick interviews David Daleiden, the creator of the widely circulated videos uncovering Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the illegal selling of baby body parts, to discuss the impact of his work and his current legal status against Planned Parenthood. Afterward, Karen Hayes and Donna Melody of the 40 Days for Life campaign join the show to discuss ways Christians can make an impact on abortion culture.… Continue Reading